For The Sake Of Quotes

Text Quotes
What may begin as a temporary method to circumvent reasoned discussion and debate for the sake of a prized political goal may very well end up permanently undermining the trust required for its existence (For The Sake Of Quotes)
I’m always willing to accept change, just as long as it isn’t change for the sake of change. If that change will result in a better way of doing things, then I’m all for it (For The Sake Of Quotes)
I only make records when I feel I have something to say. I’m not interested in releasing music just for the sake of selling something. Sade is not a brand (For The Sake Of Quotes)
Liberty is not a means to a higher political end. It is itself the highest political end. It is not for the sake of a good public administration that it is required, but for the security in the pursuit of the highest objects of civil society, and of private life (For The Sake Of Quotes)
Work is doing what you now enjoy for the sake of a future which you clearly see and desire. Drudgery is doing under strain what you don’t now enjoy and for no end that you can now appreciate (For The Sake Of Quotes)
The nobility danced for the sake of social grace, to exhibit their finery... peasants danced to make themselves happy, to escape the routine of their life, and to meet their future wives and husbands (For The Sake Of Quotes)
Competition for the sake not of destroying one another, but for the sake of bettering and improving both competitors as a result of the competition (For The Sake Of Quotes)
Life, it seems, is not meaningless but, rather, so full of meaning that its meaning must be constantly murdered for the sake of cohesion and comprehension. For the sake of the storyline (For The Sake Of Quotes)
Read for yourselves, read for the sake of your inspiration, for the sweet turmoil in your lovely head. But also read against yourselves, read for questioning and impotence, for despair and erudition... and also read those whose darkness or malice or madness or greatness you can’t understand because only in this way will you grow, outlive yourself, and become what you are (For The Sake Of Quotes)
Cookbooks, it should be stressed, do not belong in the kitchen at all. We keep them there for the sake of appearances; occasionally, we smear their pages together with vibrant green glazes or crimson compotes, in order to delude ourselves, and any passing browsers, that we are practicing cooks; but in all honesty, a cookbook is something you read in the living room, or in the bathroom, or in bed (For The Sake Of Quotes)
Words when spoken out loud for the sake of performance are music. They have rhythm and pitch and timbre and volume. These are the properties of music and music has the ability to find us and move us and lift us up in ways that literal meaning can’t (For The Sake Of Quotes)
We are the puzzle pieces who seldom fit with other puzzle pieces. We inhabit singledom as our natural resting state... Secretly, we are romantics, romantics of the highest order. We want a miracle. Out of millions we have to find the one who will understand. For the quirkyalone, there is no patience for dating just for the sake of not being alone. On a fine but by no means transcendent date, we dream of going home to watch television. We would prfer to be alone with our own thoughts than with a less than perfect fit... but when the quirkyalone collides with another, ooh la la. The earth quakes (For The Sake Of Quotes)
Essentialism is not about how to get more things done, it’s about how to the get the right things done. It doesn’t mean just doing less for the sake of less either. It is about making the wisest possible investment of your time and energy in order to operate at our highest point of contribution by doing only what is essential (For The Sake Of Quotes)
To live fully, outwardly and inwardly, not to ignore the external reality for the sake of the inner life, or the reverse, that’s quite a task (For The Sake Of Quotes)
Subjecting yourself to vigourous training is more for the sake of forging a resolute spirit that can vanquish the self than it is for developing a strong body (For The Sake Of Quotes)
Personal greed and egoism are things that cause human beings to forget respect for others and to violate rules that have been established for the sake of peace and friendship (For The Sake Of Quotes)
I can pretty much guarantee that you will at some point find yourself doing something that at one point you swore you’d never do. You’ll do it for the sake of getting high, either directly or indirectly. Trust me. It will happen. You might think you know yourself better than anyone, but you have yet to become acquainted with your addiction. It will introduce itself in ways that you never thought were possible (For The Sake Of Quotes)
My sadness is beautiful. It infuses everything I do. It is at the core of my identity and has always been, just as happiness is in some people. I refuse to hold that as a flaw. I will not mute it with medications for the sake of society. I will hold it close to me and celebrate it rightfully while the rest of the world fails to see it for what it is, and it will be their loss (For The Sake Of Quotes)
What it is is that there’s an intrinsic value in creating something for the sake of creating it, and better than that... there is this beauty in dropping it into a community of your own making, and seeing it dispersed, and seeing younger, more talented, just different talent, take it to levels you can never imagine, because that lives on (For The Sake Of Quotes)
Never change your originality for the sake of others because no one can play your role better than you (For The Sake Of Quotes)
The photographs that excite me are photographs that say something in a new manner; not for the sake of being different but ones that are different because the individual is different and the individual expresses himself (For The Sake Of Quotes)
Genuine bravery for a writer... It is about calmly speaking the truth when everyone else is silenced, when the truth cannot be expressed. It is about speaking out with a different voice, risking the wrath of the state and offending everyone, for the sake of the truth, and the writer’s conscience (For The Sake Of Quotes)
An important characteristic of calm abiding meditation is to let go of any goal and simply sit for the sake of sitting. We breathe in and out, and we just watch that. Nothing else (For The Sake Of Quotes)
For the world to become a better place, someone has to pay a price, I think it’s glorious to sacrifice for the sake of social progress and fighting injustice (For The Sake Of Quotes)
Once we start worrying too often or too deeply about what certain individuals and what certain groups think about us, then we might start selling our souls for the sake of expediency. I suggest if that day ever comes, then the press has had it (For The Sake Of Quotes)
Among the multitudes will be found many who cannot discriminate between what is merely wanted and what is needed, what is necessary for bare subsistence and what is indispensable for the sake of the freedom and clarity of one’s higher powers (For The Sake Of Quotes)
We should learn... to do our best for the sake of our communities and for the sake of those for whom we pave the way (For The Sake Of Quotes)
Only on the surface of things have I ever trod the beaten path. So long as I could keep from hurting anyone else, I have lived, as completely as it was possible, the life of my choice. I have been free... I have done the work I wished to do for the sake of that work alone (For The Sake Of Quotes)
It is a truism that as long as man loves but himself and his art he can never attain to the full measure of manhood or reach the sublimest heights of his art. He must seek to love men as brothers and art, not for the sake of art itself, but art as a means toward bringing all men up to that verdant plateau where their souls may be fed in very rejoicing in all that is true, beautiful, and abiding (For The Sake Of Quotes)
Now more than ever, as the role of memory in our culture erodes at a faster pace than ever before, we need to cultivate our ability to remember. Our memories make us who we are. They are the seat of our values and source of our character. Competing to see who can memorize more pages of poetry might seem beside the point, but it’s about taking a stand against forgetfulness, and embracing primal capacities from which too many of us have became estrangedmemory training is not just for the sake of performing party tricks; it’s about nurturing something profoundly and essentially human (For The Sake Of Quotes)