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Force Quotes

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The only thing you should force in a golf swing is the club back in the bag  (Force Quotes) I want a world without war. War never works it just kills. I want my children to never have to have a close contact with war. I want my children and future generations to grow up free and in a peaceful world. War is not freedom it is a malignant force imposed by men in power. We must change the views of people in power now and let them know that in a diplomatic and peaceful way issues can be solved  (Force Quotes) It were indeed to be wish’d that our art had been less ingenious, in contriving means destructive to mankind; we mean those instruments of war, which were unknown to the ancients, and have made such havoc among the moderns. But as men have always been bent on seeking each other’s destruction by continual wars; and as force, when brought against us, can only be repelled by force; the chief support of war, must, after money, be now sought in chemistry  (Force Quotes) True religion is a revolutionary force: it is an inveterate enemy of oppression, privilege, and injustice  (Force Quotes) It isn’t those who are taken by force, put in chains, and sold as slaves who are the real slaves; it is those who will accept it, morally and physically  (Force Quotes) The students I’ve been with these twenty years are looking for a world where it becomes a little easier to love and a lot harder to hate, where learning nonviolence means that we dedicate our hearts, minds, time, and money to a commitment that the force of love, the force of truth, the force of justice, and the force of organized resistance to corrupt power are seen as sane and the force of fists, guns, armies, and bombs insane  (Force Quotes) I believe that good defense embodies seven cardinal principle: reduce the number of your opponent’s shots; force your opponent into low percentage shots; control everything within 18 feet; eliminate second shots; no easy baskets; point the ball on all long shots; and prevent the ball from going into the pivot man  (Force Quotes) While praying, listen to the words very carefully. When your heart is attentive, your entire being enters your prayer without your having to force it  (Force Quotes) Trying to force things only disturbs your goals. Forcing will not help. Everything happens in its right time  (Force Quotes) You are one with the same force that provides the spiral arms of the galaxy. That universal creativity. It’s also what you are as well. And when the mystic eye is open and sees that, a person is forever changed!  (Force Quotes) Though women have small force to overcome men by reason; yet have they good fortune to undermine them by policy  (Force Quotes) A mighty, eternal and incomprehensible force pushes us all forward. But while all are so being pushed, many linger and look back. Unconsciously, they oppose this force  (Force Quotes) Love is an element which though physically unseen is as real as air or water. It is an acting, living, moving force... it moves in waves and currents like those of the ocean  (Force Quotes) Knowing that you have working with you a force, which never yet has failed in anything it has undertaken, you can go ahead in the confident knowledge that it will not fail in your case, either  (Force Quotes) We possess within us a force of incalculable power, which if we direct it in a conscious and wise manner, gives us the mastery of ourselves and allows us not only to escape from physical and mental ills, but also to live in relative happiness  (Force Quotes) Money is nothing more than a tool. It can be a force for good, a force for evil, or simply idle  (Force Quotes) The fundamental idea of these pylons, or great archways, is based on a method of construction peculiar to me, of which the principle consists in giving to the edges of the pyramid a curve of such a nature that this pyramid shall be capable of resisting the force of the wind without necessitating the junction of the edges by diagonals as is usually done  (Force Quotes) We must pray for more prayer, for it is the world’s mightiest healing force  (Force Quotes) I’m fascinated by the sprinters. They suffer so much during the race just to get to the finish, they hang on for dear life in the climbs, but then in the final kilometers they are transformed and do amazing things. It’s not their force per se that impresses me, but rather the renaissance they experience. Seeing them suffer throughout the race only to be reborn in the final is something for fascination  (Force Quotes) As a profession advertising is young; as a force it is as old as the world  (Force Quotes) The real guarantee of freedom is an equilibrium of social forces in conflict, not the triumph of any one force  (Force Quotes) Ah, bien je prétends que les courbes des quatre areêtes du monument, telles que le calcul les a fournies, donneront une grand impression de force et de beauté.Well, I think the curves of the four pillars of the monument, as the calculations have provided them, give it a great sense of force and beauty  (Force Quotes) Our confused wish finds expression in the confused question as to the nature of force and electricity. But the answer which we want is not really an answer to this question. It is not by finding out more and fresh relations and connections that it can be answered; but by removing the contradictions existing between those already known, and thus perhaps by reducing their number. When these painful contradictions are removed, the question as to the nature of force will not have been answered; but our minds, no longer vexed, will cease to ask illegitimate questions  (Force Quotes) I want to take my rightful share of life by force, I want to give lavishly, I want love to flow from my heart, to ripen and bear fruit. There are many horizons that must be visited, fruit that must be plucked, books read, and white pages in the scrolls of life to be inscribed with vivid sentences in a bold hand  (Force Quotes) In the long run, the power of kindness can redeem beyond the power of force to destroy. There is a vast reservoir of kindness that we can no longer afford do disregard  (Force Quotes) Military force is irrelevant to many of the most urgent threats we face. If we are to solve our myriad domestic problems and revitalize our economy we need to be more selective about our involvement in foreign crises large and small  (Force Quotes) That’s how we like to play basketball, is be physical down there in the paint and force teams to the perimeter  (Force Quotes) The total quantity of all the forces capable of work in the whole universe remains eternal and unchanged throughout all their changes. All change in nature amounts to this, that force can change its form and locality, without its quantity being changed. The universe possesses, once for all, a store of force which is not altered by any change of phenomena, can neither be increased nor diminished, and which maintains any change which takes place on it  (Force Quotes) Then very slowly I go to slightly lighter colors until little by little, the forms begin to take shape and I start to see what is happening. Since I never plan in advance, I simply let myself be led by instinct, taste and intuition. And it is in this manner that I find myself creating visions that I have never before imagined. And little by little certain color effects develop that excite me and I find the painting itself leading me on and I become only an instrument of a greater, wiser force... or being... or intelligence than I myself am  (Force Quotes) Having made a sufficient opening to admit my finger into the abdomen, I passed it between the intestines to the spine, and felt the aorta greatly enlarged, and beating with excessive force. By means of my finger nail, I scratched through the peritoneum on the left side of the aorta, and then gradually passed my finger between the aorta and the spine, and again penetrated the peritoneum, on the right side of the aorta. I had now my finger under the artery, and by its side I conveyed the blunt aneurismal needle, armed with a single ligature behind it  (Force Quotes)
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