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Whatever you can imagine is waiting for you, fully created in the invisible, and the way to make it visible is to harness the force of love by imagining and feeling what you love  (Force Quotes) Motivation is an inner force that compels behavior. Your inner drives will propel you further and faster than external perks  (Force Quotes) It’s better to make a mistake with the full force of your being than to timidly avoid mistakes with a trembling spirit. Responsibility means recognizing both pleasure and price, action and consequence, then making a choice  (Force Quotes) Occasionally, something will happen that will change your opinion of someone irrevocably, that will shatter the ideal you’ve built up around a person and force you to see them for the fallible and human creature that they really are  (Force Quotes) I think if you maintain a force in the world that comes into people’s sleep, you are exercising a meaningful power  (Force Quotes) One way to eliminate self negating thoughts and behavior is by gaining more understanding through realizing that you cannot force others to see that what you feel is real  (Force Quotes) Hope is the sun. It is light. It is passion. It is the fundamental force for life’s blossoming  (Force Quotes) It is the man and woman united that makes the complete human being. Separate she lacks his force of body and strength of reason; he her softness, sensibility and acute discernment. Together they are most likely to succeed in the world  (Force Quotes) The objection to conforming to usages that have become dead to you is, that it scatters your force  (Force Quotes) Holiness has never been the driving force of the majority. It is, however, mandatory for anyone who wants to enter the kingdom  (Force Quotes) There is a flaw with words, they always force us to feel enlightened, but when we turn around to face the world they always fail us and we end up facing the world as we always have, without enlightenment  (Force Quotes) The desire to force love to live only in its most positive form is what causes love ultimately to fall over dead  (Force Quotes) Profits are the driving force of the market economy. The greater the profits, the better the needs of the consumers are supplied... He who serves the public best, makes the highest profits  (Force Quotes) True obedience is a matter of love, which makes it voluntary, not compelled by fear or force  (Force Quotes) Marriage is the only known example of the happy meeting of the immovable object and the irresistible force  (Force Quotes) A great deal of time and intellectual force are lost in the world, because the false seems great and the truth so small and insignificant  (Force Quotes) You can kidnap me and force me to be your watchdog if you want to. But I’m telling you, I will bark at any sound I hear and it will drive you crazy  (Force Quotes) All the performances of human art, at which we look with praise or wonder, are instances of the resistless force of perseverance  (Force Quotes) The greatest misfortune that can come to a human being is to lose his inner peace. No outer force can rob him of it. It is his own thoughts, his own actions, that rob him of it  (Force Quotes) You are the big bang, the original force of the universe, coming on as whoever you are  (Force Quotes) There cannot be any form unless it is the result of force and matter; and all combinations must dissolve  (Force Quotes) It is better to make a mistake with full force of your being than to carefully avoid mistakes with a trembling spirit  (Force Quotes) Never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy  (Force Quotes) ... tapping into the essence of originating Spirit, emulating the attributes of the creative force of intention, and manifesting into your life anything that you desire that’s consistent with the universal mind  (Force Quotes) Women want you to deceive them: they force you to, and if you resist, they blame you  (Force Quotes) He is a dull observer whose experience has not taught him the reality and force of magic, as well as of chemistry  (Force Quotes) Don’t rush or force the ending. All you have to know is the next scene, or the next few scenes  (Force Quotes) Faith and force... are corollaries: every period of history dominated by mysticism, was a period of statism, of dictatorship, of tyranny  (Force Quotes) The democracy of the market consists in the fact that people themselves make their choices and that no dictator has the power to force them to submit to his value judgments  (Force Quotes) No problem is so deep that it cannot be overcome, given the will of all parties, through discussion and negotiation rather than force and violence  (Force Quotes)
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