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Force Quotes

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Pain can make a whole winter bright, like fever, force us to live deep and hard  (Force Quotes) No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind  (Force Quotes) To indoctrinate boys into the rules of patriarchy, we force them to feel pain and to deny their feelings  (Force Quotes) I was driven on by.. A force which I see today as something alien to my normal life... so I have been no more than a medium as it were  (Force Quotes) The policy of seeking values from human beings by means of force, when practiced by an individual, is called crime. When practiced by a government, it is called statism  (Force Quotes) I want to force myself again and again to leave the warmth and security of static situations and move into the world of growth and suffering where the real books are people’s minds and souls  (Force Quotes) So a military force has no constant formation, water has no constant shape: the ability to gain victory by changing and adapting according to the opponent is called genius  (Force Quotes) A goal that is not in writing is like cigarette smoke: It drifts away and disappears. It is vague and insubstantial. It has no force, effect, or power. But a written goal becomes something that you can see, touch, read, and modify if necessary  (Force Quotes) The greatest force of personal liberation is the decision to widen our circle of compassion, moving from focus on self to focus on service  (Force Quotes) Freedom is the alone unoriginated birthright of man, and belongs to him by force of his humanity  (Force Quotes) Forces of light on earth shall overcome the force of darkness. Complete spiritual enlightenment on earth will occur  (Force Quotes) No one can force you to stand up, speak up and make a difference. But if you back off and play along, please understand that whatever happens happened, at least in part, because you acquiesced  (Force Quotes) Gratitude is a sacred space where you allow and know that a force greater than your ego is always at work and always available  (Force Quotes) If we are willing to allow our dark side to be a part of the whole of who we are, we will find it comes equipped with all the power, skill, intelligence, and force needed to do great things in the world  (Force Quotes) Tough times test your valor, persistence and ability to make decisions. They force you to fight for your dreams  (Force Quotes) I believe innovation is the most powerful force for change in the world. People who are pessimistic about the future tend to extrapolate from the present in a straight line. But innovation fundamentally shifts the trajectory of development  (Force Quotes) There’s a way that the force of disappointment can be alchemized into something that will paradoxically renew you  (Force Quotes) ... every offensive lost its force as it proceeded. It was like throwing a bucket of water over the floor. It first rushed forward, then soaked forward, and finally stopped altogether until another bucket could be brought  (Force Quotes) The positive force of love can create anything good, increase good things and change anything negative in your life  (Force Quotes) The mind will ever be unstable that has only prejudices to rest on, and the current will run with destructive fury when there are no barriers to break its force  (Force Quotes) What will follow will not be a repeat of any other conflict. It will be of a force and scope and scale that has been beyond what has been seen before  (Force Quotes) Being daily better informed about their knowledge than my adversaries themselves, I argued till finally one day they applied the one means that wins the easiest victory over reason: terror and force  (Force Quotes) We must stop using the language of force and return to the path of civilized diplomatic and political settlement  (Force Quotes) By learning to contact, listen to, and act on our intuition, we can directly connect to the higher power of the universe and allow it to become our guiding force  (Force Quotes) For they have nothing to fight me with, save the brute force of their numbers. I have my mind  (Force Quotes) Within every woman there is a wild and natural creature, a powerful force, filled with good instincts, passionate creativity, and ageless knowing  (Force Quotes) We are as we are. How can you claim to know what life I was meant to lead, let alone threaten to force me into it? All your quibbling is nonsense. As well forbid your nose to snuff, or your ears to hear. We are as we do  (Force Quotes) I do have reasons for what I do. I am a very political person, and I really think if you put these clothes on, you will look like a force to be reckoned with  (Force Quotes) To refuse to accept the call of your best life is to insult the force that created you  (Force Quotes) Their pitiless ideology only survives because it is maintained by force. But the day comes when the anger and frustration of the people is so great that force cannot contain it. Then the edifice cracks: the mortar crumbles  (Force Quotes)
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