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No small misery is caused by overworked and unhappy people, in the dark views which they necessarily take up themselves, and force upon others, of work itself  (Force Quotes) Our laws force women into celibacy on the one hand, or abortion on the other. Both conditions are declared by eminent medical authorities to be injurious to health  (Force Quotes) I find the idea that you can introduce democracy by military force a very quaint idea. Moreover, if I wanted to choose a testing ground for doing it, iraq would be the last nation I would choose  (Force Quotes) Persuasion, indeed, is a kind of force. It consists in showing a person the consequences of his actions. It is, in a word, force applied through the mind  (Force Quotes) Whether you do your work with notes or without them, do it courageously, earnestly, with devotion; with a glad sense of the greatness of it, and a full consecration of every force and faculty to it  (Force Quotes) Apparently believed that music could be more powerful that physical force in bringing order to chaos  (Force Quotes) Weight, force and casual impulse, together with resistance, are the four external powers in which all the visible actions of mortals have their being and their end  (Force Quotes) And so no force however great can stretch a cord however fine into an horizontal line which is accurately straight  (Force Quotes) Our biggest goal is to continue to force ourselves to always start our creative work on a white page and not take advantage of past successes and challenging ourselves  (Force Quotes) When we were talking about this, an idea for this master vigilante, it was an urban guerilla. One of my ideas was that he would be a member of the police force who turned on the government  (Force Quotes) We would not have our country’s vigour exhausted or her moral force abated, by everlasting meddling and muddling in every quarrel, great and small, which afflicts the world  (Force Quotes) There have been a lot of exercises and I’ve had to force myself to go out for walks even when I didn’t feel like it, but apart from that, I am a lot better  (Force Quotes) Individual and national rights to wealth rest on the basis of civil and international law, or at least of custom that has the force of law  (Force Quotes) The more I study the world, the more I am convinced of the inability of brute force to create anything durable  (Force Quotes) Computers force us into creating with our minds and prevent us from making things with our hands. They dull the skills we use in everyday life  (Force Quotes) Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together  (Force Quotes) At times, challenges hit with the force of a roaring, rushing waterfall. The true test, however, is whether you can put your arms up and enjoy the feel of the water  (Force Quotes) Now all oscillatory movements of such an electron can be conceived of as being split up into force, and two circular oscillations perpendicular to this direction rotating in opposite directions  (Force Quotes) Now if this electron is displaced from its equilibrium position, a force that is directly proportional to the displacement restores it like a pendulum to its position of rest  (Force Quotes) Sometimes, if you really want to try something original, you step a little too far out of bounds. I mean, there’s a market force that kind of unconsciously keeps you in line a little bit  (Force Quotes) Force can overcome force, but a free society cannot long steel itself to dominate another people by sheer force  (Force Quotes) I might go and kick somebody in the head, I might grab a girl and force her to perform oral sex with me. I’ve had sex on stage with men, women and animals and everything in between  (Force Quotes) A true initiate will never force anyone who has not reached a certain level of maturity to accept his truth  (Force Quotes) A constitution should be framed so as not to impede the action of government, nor force the government to its violation  (Force Quotes) If it ever came down to exerting power by force, it would mean I’d already lost it  (Force Quotes) I have learned that love is the most powerful force available to us. When we have real love we have the strength to perform miracles  (Force Quotes) What difference does it make, whether we keep our silence because force us or because we’re afraid they might force us?  (Force Quotes) I do not say what I do not mean. Neither can anyone force me to say what I don’t wish to say  (Force Quotes) Overwhelming force indiscriminately applied, not giving up on it well after he was sure no more was required  (Force Quotes) That kind of therapy, the use of force to make a man give up his convictions, has been tried since the dawn of history. I think we should have learned by now that it won’t work  (Force Quotes)
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