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Forehead Quotes

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He sits next to me, careful to avoid my hair that’s splayed out around my head like blood. A bullet to the forehead, boom, blond waves everywhere.  (Forehead Quotes) How is MS-DOS like MSG? Both raise your blood pressure and give you a tightening sensation around your forehead.  (Forehead Quotes) A quick example of that is a woman who said she’d been healed of throat cancer where the faith healer admitted he touched her on the forehead.  (Forehead Quotes) People love to see public figures get taken down a notch, and by the same token, everyone loves to be the center of attention, even when there’s a target on their forehead.  (Forehead Quotes) No one’s born with their destiny stamped on their forehead ... we make the choices to fulfill our destiny.  (Forehead Quotes) The strangest thing is at tea breaks, or coffee breaks or lunch, you forget you’re a zombie. And you’re talking about politics to somebody at the table and you forget that you have a bullet hole in your forehead.  (Forehead Quotes) Cold metal walks across my forehead, spiders search for my heart. It is a light that goes out in my mouth...  (Forehead Quotes) I have had wrinkles on my forehead and my smile line since I was a kid. I see them in my own kids. I know what they’re going to look like. So it’s kind of like that’s my personality. I feel the older you get, too, the more confident you become just in your own skin.  (Forehead Quotes) You dumb-ass, I crooned, kissing her on the forehead. You don’t share me. You own me.  (Forehead Quotes) January, month of empty pockets! let us endure this evil month, anxious as a theatrical producer’s forehead.  (Forehead Quotes) I’ve helped people get rid of headaches by placing my hand on their forehead, and backaches by placing my hand on their back. It’s a powerful example of love that really works.  (Forehead Quotes) I have searched for my forehead to find a secret writing about my fate and I found no trace of destiny, but my very own decisions!  (Forehead Quotes) You know you’re getting old when you can pinch an inch on your forehead  (Forehead Quotes) Your wife is always right. Very simple. I think I’m going to get it tattooed on my forehead.  (Forehead Quotes) When I wake up on a Sunday morning with a slight hangover, in the gym with no makeup on, that’s who Natalie Dormer really is. The girl next door who gets a spot on her forehead occasionally.  (Forehead Quotes) Every morning when I wake up, I kiss her forehead as symbol of gratitude and appreciation and she repays me back with a lovely smile.  (Forehead Quotes) I have this lock of hair that keeps falling across my forehead. It drives me mad.  (Forehead Quotes) Whatever the tiny bubbles sitting beautifully on the surface of the absolutely delicious-looking skin around his forehead and neck were, they were doing a lot for his overall appearance...and for my heart rate.  (Forehead Quotes)
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