Foreign Quotes
Text Quotes
It’s very important to feel foreign. I was born in England, but when I’m being a writer, everyone in England is foreign to me (Foreign Quotes)
It is not difficult to censor foreign news. What is difficult today is to censor one’s own thoughts, To sit by and see the blind man On the sightless horse, riding into the bottomless abyss (Foreign Quotes)
That experience of touching down in a totally foreign place is like having a blank canvas: You begin with nothing, but stroke by stroke you build a life. This process requires everything great art requires-risk-tasking, hope, a great deal of imagination, all the qualities that are the building blocks of art. You must be able to dream something nearly impossible and toil to bring it into existence (Foreign Quotes)
For me, personally, I’m usually not on my phone that much. I prefer listening to old radio shows and watching foreign films than tweeting (Foreign Quotes)
In the hands of a determined Secretary, the Foreign Service can be a splendid instrument, staffed by knowledgeable, discreet, and energetic individuals. They do require constant vigilance lest the convictions that led them into a penurious career tempt them to preempt decision-making (Foreign Quotes)
We owe an enormous debt of gratitude to those who serve or have served in our countrys military, as well as to the families of those individuals. Whether protecting our freedoms in foreign fields or making contributions here at home, the value these men and women bring to the American workforce and our way of life is beyond measure (Foreign Quotes)
Well, one thing’s very clear, that terrorism isn’t just a threat which is external to Western countries. It’s not simply a foreign menace that comes from overseas to strike our cities. It can and it does, as we now know, come from within our own countries and from inside our own populations (Foreign Quotes)
I used to play a lot of foreign women in my youth because I was prettier then. I would go for interviews, and directors would look at these sultry, exotic looks, hear this clipped accent and think the two don’t go together. So they would give me a foreign accent (Foreign Quotes)
You break your neck, you don’t know what’s going to happen. I mean, it’s foreign. You’re in this body that you thought you were - that you were accustomed to, and now you’re not. You have to figure out everything. I think the biggest thing for me was getting a license, because it gives you - it gives you your independence back (Foreign Quotes)
You don’t need a foreign policy expert to tell you empty threats and hollow promises don’t work. Ask any parent of a rebellious teenager. If you don’t make good on the threats, you’re asking for worse behavior next time (Foreign Quotes)
President Obama is one of the great political knife-fighters in modern history. He is a failed president - his economy is bleak, his foreign policy bleaker, his vision for American even bleaker still. But he wins (Foreign Quotes)
Is it true that the American people are war-weary? Absolutely. We are tired of sending our sons and daughters to distant lands year after year after year, to give their lives trying to transform foreign nations (Foreign Quotes)
Shakespearean words, foreign words, slang and dialect and made-up phrases from kids on the street corner: English has room for them all. And writers - not just literary writers, but popular writers as well - breathe air into English and keep it lively by making it their own, not by adhering to some style manual that gets handed out to college Freshmen in a composition class (Foreign Quotes)
Almost 20 percent of the people living in Germany today have a foreign background. The problem is that Germany can’t really offer foreigners an identity because the Germans hardly have a national identity themselves. That is certainly a result of Auschwitz (Foreign Quotes)
In a world of increasing interdependence, energy security will depend much on how countries manage their relations with one another. That is why energy security will be one of the main challenges of foreign policy in the years ahead. Oil and gas have always been political commodities (Foreign Quotes)
Well, the most important thing a president will be is commander-in-chief. And that requires having an understanding of the complex issues on foreign policy. Foreign policy presents us often with hard choices, not black or white choices (Foreign Quotes)
Plenty of people say my guesses about a future drought in the western U.S. (where I live and grew up) are wrong, so I don’t see why I won’t be wrong in some people’s eyes when I go set a story on foreign shores (Foreign Quotes)
Aid makes itself superfluous if it is working well. Good aid takes care to provide functioning structures and good training that enables the recipient country to later get by without foreign aid. Otherwise, it is bad aid (Foreign Quotes)
Thus, in view of what I have said, we could not officially hack [Hillary’s Clinton mail]. It would require certain intuition and knowledge of the U.S. domestic policy peculiarities. I am not sure that even our experts from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have such intuition (Foreign Quotes)
All issues - purchasing and selling of currency - are related to the regulation of the national currency market. However, it is still difficult to say what will be the reaction of the Central Bank and if it would lead to increasing the gold and foreign currency reserves (Foreign Quotes)
My interest in foreign policy is above the average voter’s interest. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t talk about it (Foreign Quotes)
The world looks at China as a big place with a lot of people, a good place to make money. And because so many Chinese families send their kids abroad to study, they are familiar with foreign cultures, so Hollywood films are very successful in China (Foreign Quotes)
Under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, a company is not allowed to provide a personal benefit to a decision maker in return for business. But hiring the sons and daughters of powerful executives and politicians is hardly just the province of banks doing business in China: it has been a time-tested practice here in the United States (Foreign Quotes)
To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets. (Foreign Quotes)
Foreign students add cultural value to their British peers, who need an international outlook (Foreign Quotes)
Science is one of the comparative advantages of our knowledge-based economy, and focusing on our prowess in providing better tools to address diseases of poverty is one of the best forms of foreign aid. (Foreign Quotes)
After Secretary Clinton announced in January 2010 that Internet freedom would be a major pillar of U.S. foreign policy, the State Department decided to take what Clinton calls a ‘venture capital’ approach to the funding of tools, research, public information projects, and training. (Foreign Quotes)
Kiss Land’ is the story after ‘Trilogy’ it’s pretty much the second chapter of my life. The narrative takes place after my first flight; it’s very foreign, very Asian-inspired. When people ask me, ‘Why Japan?’ I simply tell them it’s the furthest I’ve ever been from home. It really is a different planet. (Foreign Quotes)
The government’s only proper job is to protect individual rights against violence by force or fraud ... to protect men from foreign invaders ... to settle disputes among men according to objective laws ... The greatness of the Founding Fathers was how well they understood this issue and how close some of them came to understanding it perfectly. (Foreign Quotes)
A foreign ideology cannot be introduced into Chechnya - were it through an Arab or al-Qaeda. Our experience is rich and long enough for us to be Muslims and know what jihad is. (Foreign Quotes)