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Forget Quotes

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Of heaven or hell I have no power to sing, I cannot ease the burden of your fears, or make quick-coming death a little thing, or bring again the pleasure of past years, nor for my words shall ye forget your tears, or hope again for aught that I can say, the idle singer of an empty day  (Forget Quotes) How prudently most men creep into nameless graves while now and then one or two forget themselves into immortality  (Forget Quotes) I guess what people forget sometimes is that when I write songs, I write them sometimes in about 20 minutes  (Forget Quotes) Every man wants a woman to appeal to his better side, his nobler instincts, and his higher nature - and another woman to help him forget them  (Forget Quotes) I've always loved to read. But sometimes I go for a year without reading, because I forget to  (Forget Quotes) Then all you lovers have good heed vex not young love in word or deed: love never leaves an unpaid debt, he will not pardon nor forget  (Forget Quotes) Anthropologists are a connecting link between poets and scientists; though their field-work among primitive peoples has often made them forget the language of science  (Forget Quotes) I learned three things in Zurich during the war. I wrote them down. Firstly, you're either a revolutionary or you're not, and if you're not you might as well be an artist as anything else. Secondly, if you can't be an artist, you might as well be a revolutionary.... I forget the third thing  (Forget Quotes) Never shall I forget that night, the first night in [a concentration] camp, which has turned my life into one long night, seven times cursed and seven times sealed.... Never shall I forget those moments which murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to dust. Never shall I forget these things, even if I am condemned to live as long as God Himself. Never  (Forget Quotes) The angler forgets most of the fish he catches, but he does not forget the streams and lakes in which they are caught  (Forget Quotes) If any man seeks for greatness, let him forget greatness and ask for truth, and he will find both  (Forget Quotes) But the individual butterfly or Earthquake remains just the unique existence which it is. We forget in explaining its occurrence that it is only the occurrence that is explained, not the thing itself  (Forget Quotes) You might feel worthless to one person, but you are priceless to another. Don't ever forget your worth. Spend time with those who value you  (Forget Quotes) Never forget yesterday, but always live for today. You never know what tomorrow can bring, or what it can take away  (Forget Quotes) No matter how much time goes by I'll never forget the first time you looked at me and how I fell in love  (Forget Quotes) But we cannot rely on memorials and museums alone. We can tell ourselves we will never forget and we likely won't. But we need to make sure that we teach history to those who never had the opportunity to remember in the first place  (Forget Quotes) Give God everything you are, but don't forget to also give Him everything you're not. Our weaknesses need God's strength!  (Forget Quotes) A "proper tea" is much nicer than a "very nearly tea", which is one you forget about afterwards  (Forget Quotes) Promise me you'll never forget me, because if I thought you would, I`d never leave  (Forget Quotes) Everything that has a beginning has an end. so forget the past, plan for the future and enjoy life while you're living it  (Forget Quotes) You never really forget the ones who touched your heart; regardless whether its the ones who broke it or healed it  (Forget Quotes) Someday, you will forget the hurt, the reasons you cried, and the one who caused the pain  (Forget Quotes) Never forget what people say to you when they're angry, that's when the truth comes out  (Forget Quotes) If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under  (Forget Quotes) A good friend will make you forget why you cried and make you laugh when you thought you couldn't  (Forget Quotes) Don't forget Mother's Day. Or as they call it in Beverly Hills, Dad's Third Wife Day  (Forget Quotes) Whenever we give up, leave behind, and forget too much, there is always the danger that the things we have neglected will return with added force  (Forget Quotes) Standing in the line at the food court, I try to be myself. But I forget how I usually stand when I'm myself  (Forget Quotes) Pink ribbon scars that never forget I've tried so hard to cleanse these regrets my angel wings were bruised and restrained my belly stings  (Forget Quotes) Far different there from all that charm'd before, the various terrors of that horrid shore;... Those matted woods where birds forget to sing. But silent bats in drowsy clusters cling  (Forget Quotes)
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