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Forget Quotes

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We forget the little things, so it’s no wonder some of us screw up the big things  (Forget Quotes) People who love soft methods and hate iniquity forget this; that reform consists in taking a bone from a dog. Philosophy will not do it  (Forget Quotes) Sometimes we read or hear too much news that makes us fearful or suspicious of others. We can forget that most of the people that we know, or at least encounter regularly, are decent and friendly  (Forget Quotes) Let philosophy resolutely aim to be as scientific as possible, but let her not forget her strong kinship with literature  (Forget Quotes) I don’t hurt or want for visibility, but people seem to forget pretty easily  (Forget Quotes) If you’re going to tear down a hero, you should never forget that you’re tearing down someone else’s hero. You’re tearing down somebody else’s son. You might have to face her one day  (Forget Quotes) In these days when science is clearly in the saddle and when our knowledge of disease is advancing at a breathless pace, we are apt to forget that not all can ride and that he also serves who waits and who applies what the horseman discovers  (Forget Quotes) We are so arrogant, we forget that we are not the reason for evolution, we are not the point of evolution. We are part of evolution. Unfortunately, we believe that we’ve been created to dominate the planet, to dominate nature. Ain’t true  (Forget Quotes) I was hitting.360 when I was diagnosed. I didn’t forget how to play while I was recovering. I don’t know if the cancer is gone for good. I don’t think anyone ever knows, but no one is going to steal my joy for as along as I’m able to play baseball  (Forget Quotes) I’m not always the nicest person to meet, because I forget very easily that I’m an actress when I’m not working  (Forget Quotes) Freud has shown one thing very clearly: that we only forget our infancy by burying it in the unconscious; and that the problems of this difficult period find their solution under a disguised form in adult life  (Forget Quotes) I love the challenge of the game. I love the work. My goal right now is to have a season next year that will make people forget about this one. I’ll use things like this for motivation. I’m pumped. I’m hungry  (Forget Quotes) I do recognize the most valuable work being done across the country is that work being done inside the four walls in our homes. And let us not forget how important the work of the mother and father are to raising responsible citizens  (Forget Quotes) You mustnt forget the circumstances I have been brought up in, the little education I have had  (Forget Quotes) These same people seem to forget that mother also took a lot of chances with the type of roles she played  (Forget Quotes) For me, painting is a way to forget life. It is a cry in the night, a strangled laugh  (Forget Quotes) The important things that in a campaign we talk about, let us not forget that once the election is over  (Forget Quotes) Don’t ever forget two things I’m going to tell you. One, don’t believe everything that’s written about you. Two, don’t pick up too many checks  (Forget Quotes) The vanity of teaching doth oft tempt a man to forget that he is a blockhead  (Forget Quotes) We work for the families back home, we do not work for the lobbyists that prowl the halls of the capital building, do not forget who we work for  (Forget Quotes) Shooting clay targets is a very cleansing experience. It’s very relaxing. It takes a lot of concentration. It’s also very social, since you’re usually shooting with friends. You can talk and forget about almost anything else that’s on your mind  (Forget Quotes) They are words you don’t easily forget: I don’t have good news  (Forget Quotes) It’s part of the calling to at least do a few songs in the show that give people some hope. There’s so much hurt in this world and... music is such a great healing balm and a great way to forget your troubles  (Forget Quotes) No matter what your heartache may be, laughing helps you forget it for a few seconds  (Forget Quotes) In today’s society we sometimes forget to balance our hearts and our heads; this is the reason we stop laughing  (Forget Quotes) People were already beginning to forget, what horrible suffering the war had brought them. I did not want to cause fear and panic, but to let people know how dreadful war is and so to stimulate people’s powers of resistance  (Forget Quotes) That’s how we do it in the black community; we give back to the people who made us who we are. We never forget that  (Forget Quotes) If you’re doing a drama that has some comedic elements you can’t forget that it’s primarily a very serious film that has some light relief  (Forget Quotes) If you have donated, these children may never know your name, but they will never forget your kindness  (Forget Quotes) In our struggle to restrain the violence and contain the damage, we tend to forget that the human capacity for aggression is more than a monstrous defect, that it is also a crucial survival tool  (Forget Quotes)
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