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Forget Quotes

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There are three things I always forget. Names, faces and... the third I can’t remember  (Forget Quotes) Don’t forget that the only two things people read in a story are the first and last sentences. Give them blood in the eye on the first one  (Forget Quotes) The world we want to transform has already been worked on by history and is largely hollow. We must nevertheless be inventive enough to change it and build a new world. Take care and do not forget ideas are also weapons  (Forget Quotes) Fill the seats of justice with good men, not so absolute in goodness as to forget what human frailty is  (Forget Quotes) I try to forget what happiness was, and when that don’t work, I study the stars  (Forget Quotes) This is where you see the truth of entertainment, because it is not edited. You see it on stage as it is happening. Even if we fall down or forget our words, it’s a part of live entertainment  (Forget Quotes) There are a lot of myths about my injuries. They say I have broken every bone in my body. Not true. But I have broken 35 bones. I had surgery 14 times to pin and plate. I shattered my pelvis. I forget all of the things that have broke  (Forget Quotes) I think it’s really important for me not to forget where I came from  (Forget Quotes) Our bodies must always be wherever that struggle and the moment we forget that, the moment we become lazy, the moment we sit back, then then the evil ones do their ordained tasks to us  (Forget Quotes) Zhang is a friend of mine: he said forget about acting and just do normal things in the movie  (Forget Quotes) Yes, you know sometimes, we started out thinking out how strange our painting was next to normal painting, which was anything expressionist. You forget that this has been thirty five years now and people don’t look at it as if it were some kind of oddity  (Forget Quotes) Conservatives forget that citizenship is more than a thing to withhold from immigrants. Progressives forget it’s more than a set of rights  (Forget Quotes) I live by a man’s code, designed to fit a man’s world, yet at the same time I never forget that a woman’s first job is to choose the right shade of lipstick  (Forget Quotes) Once I’ve done a crime, I just forget it. I go from crime to crime  (Forget Quotes) The danger is that if you have a bunch of ideas that you forget to use  (Forget Quotes) I beg of you always to dwell upon the necessity of a thorough understanding of principles, in order to stop the vivacity of his mind, and please do not forget to meditate upon the subject of our discussion  (Forget Quotes) Forget the technique. Hit the guy across from you. Don’t let somebody come in your space  (Forget Quotes) When I have sex with someone I forget who I am. For a minute I even forget I’m human. It’s the same thing when I’m behind a camera. I forget I exist  (Forget Quotes) I have always adhered to two principles. The first one is to train hard and get in the best possible physical condition. The second is to forget all about the other fellow until you face him in the ring and the bell sounds for the fight  (Forget Quotes) There’s the fatigue that you have to forget about, because the red curtain still has to rise  (Forget Quotes) I spend a lot of time preparing. I think a lot about what I want to do. I have prep books, little notebooks in which I write everything down before a sitting. Otherwise I would forget my ideas  (Forget Quotes) People forget that I’m a human being, just because I play a sport that everybody loves. We’re human. We’re not invincible. We share the same feelings and emotions that people on the outside feel. I don’t think people really understand that  (Forget Quotes) Making people laugh is giving, and it’s healing, too, when people can go up to the movies and forget about their problems. It’s a good thing. That’s why I want to work  (Forget Quotes) I have no illusions about my art. I am what the public made me and, consequently, I am not likely to forget my debt to them  (Forget Quotes) For many people my software is something that you install and forget. I like to keep it that way  (Forget Quotes) I can turn around and scream and get angry, but I turn around and I forget about it  (Forget Quotes) And I am a conservative. Sometimes conservatives forget we are supposed to conserve, to save, to be efficient. Plus our dependence on other sources of energy is causing our country to not be independent and to really be vulnerable. So this is a security issue  (Forget Quotes) I always worried I’d forget my lines or say the wrong words or the audience would laugh in the wrong places  (Forget Quotes) The mellow sweetness of pumpkin pie off a prison spoon is something you will never forget  (Forget Quotes) The secret of a good memory is attention, and attention to a subject depends upon our interest in it. We rarely forget that which has made a deep impression on our minds  (Forget Quotes)
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