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You need to find a way to propel this creativity to the masses. People get brainwashed and they start to forget what’s good  (Forget Quotes) Never forget how swiftly this life will be over, like a flash of summer lightning or the wave of a hand. Now that you have the opportunity to practice dharma, do not waste a single moment on anything else  (Forget Quotes) Space is a harsh, inhospitable frontier and we are explorers, not colonisers. The skills of our engineers and the technology surrounding us make things appear simple when they are not, and perhaps we forget this sometimes. Better not to forget  (Forget Quotes) Forget the floor plans. Arrange the furniture where it is the most comfortable and will look best  (Forget Quotes) Forget your sadness, anger, grudges and hatred. Let them pass like smoke caught in a breeze. Do not indulge yourself in such feelings  (Forget Quotes) By nature, human beings search for ways to make sense and meaning out of their lives and their world. One way that we make meaning is through the telling of our stories. Stories connect us, teach us, and warn us never to forget  (Forget Quotes) What was tortuously secured by complex argument becomes widely shared intuition, so obvious that we forget its provenance. We don’t see it, because we see with it  (Forget Quotes) The other death for an actor is comparing yourself to other people: Forget someone else’s path. Concentrate on your path. Otherwise, you get lost, and if you don’t have joy in the work, forget it  (Forget Quotes) Architects in planning rooms today have forgotten their faith in natural light. Depending on the touch of a finger to a switch, they are satisfied with static light and forget the endlessly changing qualities of natural light, in which a room is a different room every second of the day  (Forget Quotes) Over the years, one comes to measure a place, too, not just for the beauty it may give, the balminess of its breezes, the insouciance and relaxation it encourages, the sublime pleasures it offers, but for what it teaches. The way in which it alters our perception of the human. It is not so much that you want to return to indifferent or difficult places, but that you want to not forget  (Forget Quotes) Get into the habit of laughing; too many of us have forgotten how to laugh. As people grow older, they sometimes forget that they ever laughed. It is a part of their childhood that they can no longer remember  (Forget Quotes) The portrait of a person is one of the most difficult things to do. It means you must almost bring the presence of that person photographed to other people in such a way that they don’t have to know that person personally, but that they are still confronted with a human being that they won’t forget. That’s a portrait  (Forget Quotes) From now until the end of the year I would like to eke out one victory, that’s my short term aim. I am sure I can be competitive in 2004. Tennis is like riding a bike, you never forget how to do it  (Forget Quotes) Hoping to live days of greater happiness, I forget that days of less happiness are passing by  (Forget Quotes) One cannot too soon forget his errors and misdemeanors. To dwell long upon them is to add to the offense  (Forget Quotes) The whole point is, we can forget. It’s important that we forget some things. Otherwise we’d go round the world carrying a hodload of stuff we just don’t need  (Forget Quotes) The beach is definitely where I feel most at home. It’s my oxygen. I forget how much I need it sometimes when I’m away working  (Forget Quotes) Even if we love someone very much, at times it happens that we forget about it  (Forget Quotes) What I strive most to achieve in art is to make you forget the material. The sculptor must... communicate whatever struck his sensibility, so that a person beholding his work may experience in its entirety the emotion felt by the artist while he observed nature  (Forget Quotes) We are so busy giving our children what we never had that we forget to give them what we did have  (Forget Quotes) Paris is a place in which we can forget ourselves, reinvent, expunge the dead weight of our past  (Forget Quotes) Lise: Paris has ways of making people forget. Jerry: Paris? No, not this city. It’s too real and too beautiful. It never lets you forget anything. It reaches in and opens you wide, and you stay that way  (Forget Quotes) Forget health clinics and gyms. Sex is the best cure. One good night of sex and your problems are gone  (Forget Quotes) Forget about enlightenment. Sit down wherever you are and listen to the wind that is singing in your veins. Feel the love, the longing and the fear in your bones. Open your heart to who you are, right now, not who you would like to be. Not the saint you’re striving to become. But the being right here before you, inside you, around you. All of you is holy. You’re already more and less than whatever you can know. Breathe out, look in, let go  (Forget Quotes) There’s a switch inside every one of us that I guess grew there as a necessary part of survival. How can you drag a fish up out of the river for your supper if you feel the yank of the hook in your own cheek? I get that part. We can’t feel for everyone and everything all the time. We’d die of fear or sorrow a hundred times a day. The thing is, it’s gotten so we flick the switch off like it’s nothing. And, more often than not, we forget to turn it back on  (Forget Quotes) Don’t we all have moments we’d rather forget, and thoughts we wished never came to us? We say things too awful to remember  (Forget Quotes) Don’t let yourself become so concerned with raising a good kid that you forget you already have one  (Forget Quotes) So with imagination, ingenuity and audacity, explore, discover, change the world. And have fun while you’re at it. Always take time out to love and to live. You’re going to be busy, but never forget family and friends  (Forget Quotes) Don’t spend too much time planning, release early and often, some things will work, others won’t, refine and move forward and above all forget the money, just make sure you love what you’re doing  (Forget Quotes) I get so used to saying what I think people want to hear, I forget they might just want the truth sometimes  (Forget Quotes)
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