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The actors feel very free. The actor, he doesn’t need to think about where the camera is, he just has to focus on what he’s doing and forget the camera. The camera is never in the perfect position, and I think this is what keeps this feeling of reality. The frame is not perfect  (Forget Quotes) The thing people forget when they are looking for solutions is there is nothing final in history  (Forget Quotes) I wanted to take part in this campaign because it’s so easy to forget the many women who live their lives in fear because of domestic violence. Men have an important role to play in sending out the message that real men do not hurt or abuse their partners  (Forget Quotes) Always remember to forget the things that made you sad, but never forget to remember the things that made you glad  (Forget Quotes) We are so busy measuring public opinion that we forget we can mold it. We are so busy listening to statistics we forget we can create them  (Forget Quotes) Poems are a hotline to our hearts, and we forget this emotional power at our peril  (Forget Quotes) I believe that during these times, we should not forget that many sacrificed to regain our democracy  (Forget Quotes) Well... I still can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. These politicians are such sleazebags that you just don’t know. You can’t really get anything from a lot of them once they get into power. They totally forget about all their commitments. The poor people elect them, and they forget about all the poor people  (Forget Quotes) Never to forget where we came from and always praise the bridges that carried us over  (Forget Quotes) The dead are silent because they live, just as we chatter so loudly to try to make ourselves forget that we are dying. Their silence is really their call to me, the assurance of their immortal love for me  (Forget Quotes) Several times in my life I’ve gone through long periods without sex or any other kind of physical contact. The hunger it produces is deep and low; it’s possible to lose track of it, to forget or fail to perceive how it’s emptied everything out of you and made the world papery and thin. Touch starved, you brush against existence like a stick against dry leaves. You become insubstantial yourself, a hungry ghost  (Forget Quotes) Without devotion any life becomes a stranger’s story... told for the body to forget what it once loved  (Forget Quotes) You could wonder for hours what flowers mean, but for me, they’re life itself, in all its happy brilliance. We couldn’t do with out flowers. Flowers help you forget life’s tragedies  (Forget Quotes) Someone once asked me why people sing. I answered that they sing for many of the same reasons the birds sing. They sing for a mate, to claim their territory, or simply to give voice to the delight of being alive in the midst of a beautiful day. Perhaps more than the birds do, humans hold a grudge. They sing to complain of how grievously they have been wronged, and how to avoid it in the future. They sing to help themselves execute a job of work. They sing so the subsequent generations won’t forget what the current generation endured, or dreamed, or delighted in  (Forget Quotes) I died upon that mountain. There is no question. A part of me will forever be upon that mountain. Dead. That’s my brothers died. If there’s a part of me that live, because of my brothers. Because of them I am still alive, and I can never forget, that no matter how much it hurts, how dark it gets, or how far you fall. You are never out of the fight  (Forget Quotes) Reading words puts them in your mind. You never forget. Even when you don’t get a chance to dwell on the music, you can hear it in your head  (Forget Quotes) Big ideas are so hard to recognize, so fragile, so easy to kill. don’t forget that, all of you who don’t have them  (Forget Quotes) If we can forgive everyone, regardless of what he or she may have done, we nourish the soul and allow our whole being to feel good. To hold a grudge against anyone is like carrying the devil on your shoulders. It is our willingness to forgive and forget that casts away such a burden and brings light into our hearts, freeing us from many ill feelings against our fellow human beings  (Forget Quotes) His mind scolded him for his stupidity and urged him to forget her but his heart had no justifications for its stand. It remained unmoved, its solidarity unaffected, its arrogance still holding  (Forget Quotes) We don’t forget... Our heads may be small, but they are as full of memories as the sky may sometimes be full of swarming bees, thousands and thousands of memories, of smells, of places, of little things that happened to us and which came back, unexpectedly, to remind us who we are  (Forget Quotes) To study the buddha way is to study the self. To study the self is to forget the self. To forget the self is to be actualized by myriad things. When actualized by myriad things, your body and mind as well as the bodies and minds of others drop away. No trace of realization remains, and this no trace continues endlessly  (Forget Quotes) When I’m in the process of making a movie I’m not thinking about the finished result, and whether people have to see it once or more than once, and what the reaction to it will be. I just make it, and then I live with the consequences, some of which may not be as pleasant as I’d like! I know one thing, however. Many viewers may come out of the theater not satisfied, but they won’t be able to forget the movie. I know they’ll be talking about it during their next dinner. I want them to be a little restless about my movies, and keep trying to find something in them  (Forget Quotes) People involve themselves in countless activities which they consider to be important, but they forget about one activity which is more important and necessary than any other, and which includes all other things: the improvement of their soul  (Forget Quotes) Cynics who say power is all that counts in politics forget that power without ideas is just improvisation  (Forget Quotes) A primary reason for my success in the classroom was that I couldn’t forget that schooling was changing me and separating me from the life I enjoyed before becoming a student  (Forget Quotes) Forget about tennis, I was scared to open my mouth. I didn’t even feel worthy of saying something and not sounding stupid  (Forget Quotes) We are in a race between knowledge and catastrophe. If we keep track of what is important, never lower our standards or forget why we are here, we have the ability to determine the fate of the world  (Forget Quotes) We ought to hate very rarely, as it is too fatiguing; remain indifferent to a great deal, forgive often and never forget  (Forget Quotes) To never forget that the most important thing in life is the quality of life we lead  (Forget Quotes) I despair about the lack of proper respect shown for the piano. If you want it to sound like a traffic jam, go out in the street and forget the piano. That’s not a piano sound  (Forget Quotes)
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