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What I look for in a voice is for it to be unique. I don’t really care if a singer sings well. Really, it’s about emotion, or being able to sing the lyrics and actually mean it. A lot of singers sing good notes but forget about what words they use  (Forget Quotes) I like to be right. I try not to miss the big ideas, forget the little ones, and try to get them right. End of job description  (Forget Quotes) We learn to walk when we’re babies and never forget unless we’re drunk  (Forget Quotes) Wouldn’t it be good to forget everything even if it’s just for tonight? Indulge in pleasure... breathe a sweet poison deep into your lungs  (Forget Quotes) You never forget the books you loved as a kid. You never forget the poems you memorized, the first book you read until the cover fell off, the book you read hidden from your mother. What an honor to hold hands with a child’s imagination in this way  (Forget Quotes) What you forget is that plants themselves want to live as much as you want them to. More  (Forget Quotes) Cancer is just a word that creates fear. Forget about that word, and let’s just focus on balancing your body. All illnesses are just symptoms of imbalance. No illness can remain when your entire system is in balance  (Forget Quotes) Let’s never forget what made us great as a nation. It’s not diversity, it’s liberty  (Forget Quotes) In my early career I was like a goldfish. Rejection didn’t affect me; I’d just forget how bad it was and keep going back for more  (Forget Quotes) The times in my life when I’ve been my thinnest, I’ve been a walking psycho wreck. Forget the fact that I was basically starving myself; skinny was usually due to some kind of loss. Death. Rejection. Divorce  (Forget Quotes) Above all, let us never forget that an act of goodness is in itself an act of happiness. It is the flower of a long inner life of joy and contentment; it tells of peaceful hours and days on the sunniest heights of our soul  (Forget Quotes) In every form of art, you really want the experience of the images to transcend the medium, for the medium to disappear into the greater experience of viewing the work. So that you forget you are looking at a painting, or a photograph  (Forget Quotes) Occasionally when you’re in that zone, striving to operate at your highest levels, you get consumed. You forget to eat and shower. But that can be a good thing. No one makes money eating or showering  (Forget Quotes) Remember compliments you receive. Forget the insults. If you succeed in doing this, tell me how  (Forget Quotes) When you can see the end of things even in their beginnings, there’s no more hope, unless you want to pretend, or forget, or get drunk or something  (Forget Quotes) There is an art in taking the whiplash of suffering full in the face, an art you must learn. Let each single attack exhaust itself; pain always makes single attacks, so that its bite may be more intense, more concentrated. And you, while its fangs are implanted and injecting their venom at one spot, do not forget to offer it another place where it can bite you, and so relieve the pain of the first  (Forget Quotes) It’s a funny thing about writing. You get so balled up in a story idea that you lose your perspective and forget that human being might read your words someday  (Forget Quotes) There’s some nights I can’t remember with friends I can’t forget  (Forget Quotes) If we fix it so’s you can’t make money on war, we’ll all forget what we’re killing folks for  (Forget Quotes) I enjoy popularisation and I think I’m reasonably good at it. I also think it’s a duty. It’s just so pedagogically stupid to forget how difficult one found these ideas oneself to begin with  (Forget Quotes) Sometimes when I flick through a magazine and see these thin models I’m left wondering what effect they can have on an insecure person. But I say to girls: forget what you see in the magazines, that is a world which has nothing to do with reality; think of it as a cartoon  (Forget Quotes) I have more energy at the end than I do at the beginning. You can be so beat up that you can scarcely walk on stage but when you get to the piano the excitement kicks in, you forget about being tired  (Forget Quotes) I’ve always had stamina. It’s a genetic thing. Don’t forget, I’m from the era where we played outside, so there was no issue with weight because we were out running around the fields and playing hide and seek  (Forget Quotes) Forget about where you want to be and go out and build stuff. Dodgeball came from being bored at work... things happen because you make them happen. Stop sketching, and start building  (Forget Quotes) This may sound mad, but you sort of assume that no one’s going to watch what you do. You go on set, have a lovely time, and then you forget anyone’s going to see it. So it’s always a bit of a shock to be recognized. I get terribly embarrassed  (Forget Quotes) I thought it was normal to recycle pants and shoes from your older cousins. That was just my way of life. At the end of the month, there was not much food in the refrigerator and you’re hoping the first comes so food can come again. You never forget those things  (Forget Quotes) You want to free the world, free humanity, from oppression? Look inside, look sideways, look at the hidden violence of language. Never forget that language is where the other, parallel violence, the cruelty exercised on the body, originates  (Forget Quotes) When you look at guys who get recruited, most of the best athletes, they come from poor families. I don’t forget. I was a junior looking through my mother’s stuff and looked at her bank statement, and we had $30 in the bank  (Forget Quotes) And then as I got older, see, I think a lot of times with comics, your life kind of permeates your act. Whatever is happening in your life is what’s going on on stage. So if you’re angry in your life, then that’s going to be on stage. If you’re looking for the guy that’s just going to make you laugh for an hour and forget about, that’s me  (Forget Quotes) I want to be a writer you can always depend on for a good read during your vacation, during your flight, during a time in your life when you want to forget the world around you  (Forget Quotes)
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