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Forget Quotes

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When we come to a comparison of heaven and earth, then we may indeed not only forget all about the present life, but even despise and scorn it  (Forget Quotes) That’s what’s great about show business. It’s escapism. You pay your five bucks to get in and sit there and you’re in another world. Forget about the problems in the world. It’s wonderful  (Forget Quotes) Let’s forget the reunification, let’s just shut up and don’t talk about that topic for the next 20 years  (Forget Quotes) No matter how far apart we are, don’t forget that we’re still under the same sky, both traveling to the place we once dreamed of  (Forget Quotes) Remember, once more how our world should be. And please, don’t forget, please, please don’t forget  (Forget Quotes) A loss, but who still mourns the breath of one woman, or laments one wife? Though my heart never can forget, how, for one look, she gave up her life  (Forget Quotes) So I’m in love. That crazy, forget to eat, float around in a daze, talk on the phone all night and bounce out of bed every morning hoping to see him kind of love  (Forget Quotes) If we are unduly absorbed in improving our lives we may forget altogether to live them  (Forget Quotes) My architecture is easy to understand. And enjoy. I hope it also is hard to forget  (Forget Quotes) In your arms I forget what the yarn knows of sweaters. I forget how to hold myself together. So if I unfold now like a love letter tell me you’ll write back soon. Tell me you’ll still come untethered  (Forget Quotes) Are you still carrying everyone who’s insulted you, injured you or interfered with you? That’s a lot of weight. I’d let it go, personally, and just move on and forget. Be in the moment. Don’t even notice  (Forget Quotes) We know that there is no absolute knowledge, that there are only theories; but we forget this. The better educated we are, the harder we believe in axioms  (Forget Quotes) There’s always someone going to come around who can be better than the best. You want to be the first. No one can ever forget the first  (Forget Quotes) I just worked really, really hard to stay in people’s faces, so it would be hard to forget about me. I’m just trying to stay popular and do the same thing over and over  (Forget Quotes) Age is a state of old mind. It gets to a point where if you get old enough, you forget how old you are, and that’s the best thing. And then you walk around kind of like in a fog  (Forget Quotes) I’m one of the actors who really enjoys working with kids and animals, which is always a no go. There’s something beautiful about it because you tend to forget yourself, as an actor  (Forget Quotes) I know that there are a billion girls out there that would kill to be in my position, and I never forget that  (Forget Quotes) I worry more about something that isn’t working rather than something that feels really good. You forget about the good stuff  (Forget Quotes) I think all these great comforts that come from the human condition of trying to make things easier on ourselves also have these pitfalls, where things become so easy that we forget how enjoyable building a fence can be  (Forget Quotes) I have the worst memory in the world. I can remember some of my dreams, but later that day, I’ll forget them  (Forget Quotes) Words are for meaning: when you’ve got the meaning, you can forget the words  (Forget Quotes) When you are in a long relationship, sometimes you forget who you are, what you love to do  (Forget Quotes) Revenge is never a straight line. It’s a forest, and like a forest it’s easy to lose your way... to get lost... to forget where you came in  (Forget Quotes) The problem with people is they forget that most of the time it’s the small things that count  (Forget Quotes) People fall in and out of love all the time, and sometimes people have numerous loves throughout their lives. But you have two epic loves and no matter who you were with, I don’t think you’d ever get over or forget the other  (Forget Quotes) All the great crimes of history, lest we forget, have their genesis in the moral wilderness of their times  (Forget Quotes) It is the lot of man to suffer; it is also his fortune to forget. Oblivion and sorrow share our being, as darkness and light divide the course of time  (Forget Quotes) As for opinions, if they’re not pleasant they’d better be kept to yourself. I learned that early in life and forget it every day  (Forget Quotes) Perhaps the basic thing which contributes to charm is the ability to forget oneself and be engrossed in other people  (Forget Quotes) Open your arms as wide as you can to receive all the miracles with your name on them. Never forget that all you have is all you need  (Forget Quotes)
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