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Forget Quotes

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How quickly we forget God’s great deliverances in our lives. How easily we take for granted the miracles he performed in our past  (Forget Quotes) I got all my work done to graduate in two months and then they were like, I’m sorry, you have to take driver’s ed. I just kind of went, Oh, forget it  (Forget Quotes) I know something quite sure. We’ll never have peace with this Syrian regime. They’ll never give us relief, and we’ll never forget that  (Forget Quotes) I love Madrid. I am happy to be here. I have been here three years and hope to be here longer. But I am proud of where I come from and never forget the people I grew up with  (Forget Quotes) I will know how to hold you just by the look in your eye, I will never forget - not even on the day that I die. This is a promise of my passion for you, smile at me and make it true  (Forget Quotes) I will never forget experiencing Venice for the first time. It feels like you are transported to another time - the art, music, food and pure romance in the air is like no other place  (Forget Quotes) I’ll never forget that show season. It was completely mad. I was staying between Christy and Naomi’s rooms and it was all limos and the Ritz Hotel and all that kind of business  (Forget Quotes) It’s easy for Americans to forget that the food they eat doesn’t magically appear on a supermarket shelf  (Forget Quotes) People forget... that we structured it so that the government, or the people, would be repaid with a really good rate of return. And as it turns out, that aspect of TARP, that’s what happened  (Forget Quotes) People in cities may forget the soil for as long as a hundred years, but Mother Nature’s memory is long and she will not let them forget indefinitely  (Forget Quotes) Some directors cast you because they trust you to do the performance - but then they forget to direct you  (Forget Quotes) The problem is when you are writing something in retrospective, it needs a lot of courage not to change, or you will forget a certain reality, and you will just take in consideration your view today  (Forget Quotes) We should not forget, no matter how we quantify it: ‘Freedom is not free.’ It is a painful lesson, but one from which we have learned in the past and one we should never forget  (Forget Quotes) You can get too bogged down in technology and you can sort of forget what it is you were trying to do. And with the Pet Shop Boys it’s primarily about the songs, it’s about song writing  (Forget Quotes) You meet people who forget you. You forget people you meet. But sometimes you meet those people you can’t forget. Those are your ‘friends  (Forget Quotes) A person who cares deeply about what people need in their lives is someone I’ll never forget  (Forget Quotes) Frequently parents forget that children are people. I don’t try to treat Kristen as an adult, but I do try to treat her as a person, with a child’s sensibilities  (Forget Quotes) Lionel Richie told me forget about the critics. But if you come back with hit after hit, you don’t have to worry about anything  (Forget Quotes) My entire life is dedicated to music, and at my age, that makes a lot of years! But all the work and dedication is only that I’m able to forget myself and let the music do the ‘talking  (Forget Quotes) What if Woody Allen called me and said, I’m working on this movie and there’s a really divine role for you. We want exactly you! It would be such a fantasy. Forget it! My idol, Woody Allen!  (Forget Quotes) Don’t forget to vote for Bill Clinton and Al Gore. Stay home if you’re voting for Dole  (Forget Quotes) Hollywood does not write parts for people like me, an elderly gentleman, and when they find out you’re crippled, forget about it. No, I’ll never work again  (Forget Quotes) One of the most wonderful memories in my life was when I sang at the Opera House in Sydney. I will never forget that. It is one of the most beautiful Houses I have ever sung in my life  (Forget Quotes) The animated books pay the lowest rates at the Big Two and you can forget about royalties  (Forget Quotes) If I’m not at my study by 10:00, 10:30, forget it, I can’t write a word  (Forget Quotes) It is impossible to forget the sense of dignity which marks the hour when one becomes a wage-earner... I felt that I had suddenly acquired value to myself, to my family, and to the world  (Forget Quotes) I mean, don’t forget the Earth’s about five thousand million years old, at least. Who can afford to live in the past?  (Forget Quotes) If kids can forget their own mothers but still have a sense of comrade Lenin, then Soviet power really is here to stay  (Forget Quotes) It is so easy to forget that this is good that we’re alive. We should be enjoying this gift of being aliv  (Forget Quotes) I will never forget my humble beginnings as a Laker Girl. It was probably one of the most fun jobs I ever had  (Forget Quotes)
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