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You have to be able to center yourself, to let all of your emotions go... Don’t ever forget that you play with your soul as well as your body  (Forget Quotes) People forget that a huge proportion of our jobs still depend on agricultural production in Australia so of course there are exports. That’s easily overlooked  (Forget Quotes) Everyone has an invisible sign hanging from their neck saying, ‘Make me feel important.’ Never forget this message when working with people  (Forget Quotes) I was meant to be a composer and will be I’m sure. Don’t ask me to try to forget this unpleasant thing and go play football - please  (Forget Quotes) We will never forget those like my great-grandfather who fought at Vicksburg  (Forget Quotes) As freedom-loving people across the globe hope for an end to tyranny, we will never forget the enormous suffering of the Holocaust  (Forget Quotes) It’s not name dropping, but not many people can say, like me, that they spent the day with the likes of Francis Bacon or that boring drunk Dylan Thomas. You don’t forget things like that  (Forget Quotes) Stand not too near the rich man lest he destroy thee - and not too far away lest he forget thee  (Forget Quotes) It’s a mental fake-out to myself. I make believe I’m making a new show so I forget the material I was working on and make up some fresh material  (Forget Quotes) I hold the record now with Dixie Dean for being the only Everton player to score three Merseyside derby goals at Anfield. I still hope to better it. Things like that, the fans never forget  (Forget Quotes) And for yourself, whatever there has been either of sin or duty, remember the one and forget the other, and betake yourself wholly to the mercy of God and the merit of Christ  (Forget Quotes) Think about the photo before and after, never during. The secret is to take your time. You mustn’t go too fast. The subject must forget about you. Then, however, you must be very quick  (Forget Quotes) We are asking the nations of Europe between whom rivers of blood have flowed to forget the feuds of a thousand years  (Forget Quotes) Hopefully, america will really get a sense of how justice can be served in this country. and hopefully, they’ll forget the Simpson trial  (Forget Quotes) Let us never forget that terrorism at its heart, at its evil heart, is a psychological war. It endeavors to break the spirit and the resolve of those it attacks by creating a lose-lose situation  (Forget Quotes) Don’t you forget what’s divine in the Russian soul and that’s resignation  (Forget Quotes) Individual liberty is allowed to man only to a certain extent. He cannot forget that he is a social being and his individual liberty has to be curtailed at every step  (Forget Quotes) We forget the nature of true power. The power within is abundance. The power without is greed  (Forget Quotes) Emotional turmoil is rooted in what we miss, deny, or forget about ourselves and others  (Forget Quotes) I think, you have to forget about intellect, to a degree. Intuition is very important when you’re working with a lens, I believe, for what the lens is doing, too  (Forget Quotes) When you are in the prayer room you forget about the outside world and fall into a Christian rock coma, and nothing else seems to matter  (Forget Quotes) If human beings pretend to be God, then forget about democracy. If they understand that no human being can represent God, then sure  (Forget Quotes) I think it’s alarming that people believe that success enables one to forget how life felt before. As if one could simply exchange one’s values  (Forget Quotes) No society has any right to forget its workers, because they are the real heroes of the society  (Forget Quotes) The adrenaline gets pumping and you just got to forget about [injuries] and play  (Forget Quotes) You can forget about recovery. There is no recovery - and there’s not going to be any recovery. Recovery is an impossibility  (Forget Quotes) Conscience is the inner voice which warns us that someone might be looking. Hear and you forget, see and you remember, do and you understand  (Forget Quotes) Never forget that all the enthusiasm you need is in your mind. Let it out - let it live - let it motivate you  (Forget Quotes) If my whole game depends on whether you can guess the ending or not, I’m done, forget it  (Forget Quotes) I guess it doesn’t matter how much homework you do. When you’re on set, you gotta forget it and throw it out the window and, hopefully, some magic happens  (Forget Quotes)
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