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A woman never forgets her sex. She would rather talk with a man than an angel, any day  (Forgets Quotes) Grief that is dazed and speechless is out of fashion: the modern woman mourns her husband loudly and tells you the whole story of his death, which distresses her so much that she forgets not the slightest detail about it  (Forgets Quotes) Instinct. When the house burns one forgets even lunch. Yes, but one eats it later in the ashes  (Forgets Quotes) The man who says his wife can’t take a joke, forgets that she took him  (Forgets Quotes) Lethe, the river of oblivion, rolls his watery labyrinth, which whoso drinks forgets both joy and grief  (Forgets Quotes) Captivated by its discipline, humanity forgets and goes on forgetting that it is the discipline of chess players, not of angels  (Forgets Quotes) Once a year, she remembers that she is insignificant. Then she forgets agains, because more than she is insignificant, she is forgetful  (Forgets Quotes) The girl in the mirror caught my eye briefly... It is an uncanny feeling, that rare occasion when one catches a glimpse of oneself in repose. An unguarded moment, stripped of artifice, when one forgets to fool even oneself  (Forgets Quotes) He’s the kind of liar who totally forgets what he told you the last time, but he believes every single lie with such conviction that sometimes he can convince you of it  (Forgets Quotes) Dare not say that man forgets sooner than woman, that his love has an earlier death. I have loved none but you  (Forgets Quotes) Yesterday and tomorrow cross and mix on the skyline. The two are lost in a purple haze. One forgets, one waits  (Forgets Quotes) There are millions of chords. There are millions of numbers. And everyone forgets the one that is a zero. But without the zero, numbers are just arithmetic. Without the empty chord, music is just noise  (Forgets Quotes) Everyone thinks of them in terms of poisoned apples and glass coffins, and forgets that they represent girls who walked into dark forests and remade them into their own reflections  (Forgets Quotes) Whoever thinks much and to good purpose easily forgets his own experiences, but not the thoughts which these experiences have called forth  (Forgets Quotes) He is not affected by the reality of distress touching his heart, but by the showy resemblance of it striking his imagination. He pities the plumage, but forgets the dying bird  (Forgets Quotes) What everyone forgets is that passion is not merely a heightened sensual fusion but a way of life which produces, as in the mystics, an ecstatic awareness of the whole of life  (Forgets Quotes) What release to write so that one forgets oneself, forgets one’s companion, forgets where one is or what one is going to do next to be drenched in sleep or in the sea. Pencils and pads and curling blue sheets alive with letters heap up on the desk  (Forgets Quotes) The man who forgets does not forgive, he only loses the remembrance; forgiveness is the offspring of a noble heart, of a generous mind, whilst forgetfulness is only the result of a weak memory, or of an easy carelessness  (Forgets Quotes) The creeping wilderness will soon take over that church that trusts in its own strength and forgets to watch and pray  (Forgets Quotes) A man never forgets his body the way a woman does, because a man is pushing his body, a part of his body, forward, to make the act of love happen. He brings the jut of his body into the act of love, then takes it back, when it has had its way  (Forgets Quotes) The great end of all human industry is the attainment of happiness. For this were arts invented, sciences cultivated, laws ordained, and societies modeled, by the most profound wisdom of patriots and legislators. Even the lonely savage, who lies exposed to the inclemency of the elements and the fury of wild beasts, forgets not, for a moment, this grand object of his being  (Forgets Quotes) The afflicted are not listened to. They are like someone whose tongue has been cut out and who occasionally forgets the fact. When they move their lips no ear perceives any sound. And they themselves soon sink into impotence in the use of language, because of the certainty of not being heard  (Forgets Quotes) If she forgets where she came from, if the people lose sight of what brought them along, if she listens to the deniers and mockers, then will begin the rot and dissolution  (Forgets Quotes) The goal of all civilization, all religious thought, and all that sort of thing is simply to have a good time. But man gets so solemn over the process that he forgets the end  (Forgets Quotes) Art does not lie down on the bed that is made for it; it runs away as soon as one says its name; it loves to go incognito. Its best moments are when it forgets what it is called  (Forgets Quotes) The world, he resumed after a short pause, has no faith in any man’s conversion; it never forgets what he was, it never believes him anything better, it is an inexorable and stupid judge  (Forgets Quotes) The trouble with man is twofold. He cannot learn the truths which are too complicated; he forgets truths which are too simple  (Forgets Quotes) The law of the pleasure in having done anything for another is, that the one almost immediately forgets having given, and the other remembers eternally having received  (Forgets Quotes) When a beautiful woman yields to temptation, let her consult her pride, though she forgets her virtue  (Forgets Quotes) Gaming is the destruction of all decorum; the prince forgets at it his dignity, and the lady her modesty  (Forgets Quotes)
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