Forgiveness Quotes

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A place like this wears down everything, and tolerance is no exception. In here, coexistence passes for forgiveness. You do not learn to like something you abhor; you come to live with it... You live and let live, and eventually that becomes enough (Forgiveness Quotes)
Life is grace. Sleep is forgiveness. The night absolves. Darkness wipes the slate clean, not spotless to be sure, but clean enough for another day’s chalking (Forgiveness Quotes)
The energy of hatred won’t get you anywhere; but the energy of forgiveness, which reveals itself through love, will transform your life in a positive way (Forgiveness Quotes)
There were different kinds of strength. I knew that now. It didn’t always come from a knife or a willingness to fight. Sometimes it came from endurance, where the well ran deep and quiet. Sometimes it came from compassion and forgiveness (Forgiveness Quotes)
Relationship is about forgiveness and compromise. It is about balance where one person complements each other (Forgiveness Quotes)
Who would ever know the greater graces of comfort and perserverance, mercy and forgiveness, patience and courage, if no shadows fell over a life? (Forgiveness Quotes)
If her past were your past, her pain your pain, her level of consciousness your level of consciousness, you would think and act exactly as she does. With this realization comes forgiveness, compassion and peace (Forgiveness Quotes)
Love ambushed you, it lay in wait, dormant for days or years. It was the red thread, the peach stone, the kiss, the forgiveness. It came after you, it escaped you, it was invisible, it was everything (Forgiveness Quotes)
Forgiveness doesn’t sit there like a pretty boy in a bar. Forgiveness is the old fat guy you have to haul up a hill (Forgiveness Quotes)
You will learn a lot about yourself if you stretch in the direction of goodness, of bigness, of kindness, of forgiveness, of emotional bravery. Be a warrior for love (Forgiveness Quotes)
There are two kinds of sorry. There is the sorry imbued with regret. And a pure sorry. The kind that is merely asking for forgiveness, nothing more (Forgiveness Quotes)
You will come to know things that can only be known with the wisdom of age and the grace of years. Most of those things will have to do with forgiveness (Forgiveness Quotes)
Maybe forgiveness is just the continual pushing aside of bitter memories, until time dulls the hurt and anger, and the wrong is forgotten (Forgiveness Quotes)
The act of forgiveness is the act of returning to present time. And that’s why when one has become a forgiving person, and has managed to let go of the past, what they’ve really done is they’ve shifted their relationship with time (Forgiveness Quotes)
Reason to rule, mercy to forgive: The first is law, the last prerogative. Life is an adventure in forgiveness (Forgiveness Quotes)
Forgiveness is the giving and so the receiving of life. the latter may be an impulse of a moment of heat; whereas the former is a cold and deliberate choice of the heart (Forgiveness Quotes)
By far the strongest poison to the human spirit is the inability to forgive oneself or another person. Forgiveness is no longer an option but a necessity for healing (Forgiveness Quotes)
Forgiveness is taking seriously the awfulness of what has happened when you are treated unfairly. Forgiveness is not pretending that things are other than the way they are (Forgiveness Quotes)
If the people around you are spiteful and callous and will not hear you, fall down before them and beg their forgiveness; for in truth you are to blame for their not wanting to hear you (Forgiveness Quotes)
Forgiveness is the most powerful thing you can do for yourself. If you can’t learn to forgive, you can forget about achieving true success in your life (Forgiveness Quotes)
Forgiveness is primarily for our own sake, so that we no longer carry the burden of resentment. But to forgive does not mean we will allow injustice again (Forgiveness Quotes)
Issue a blanket pardon. Forgive everyone who has ever hurt you in any way. Forgiveness is a perfectly selfish act. It sets you free from the past (Forgiveness Quotes)
Let no one mourn that he has fallen again and again; for forgiveness has risen from the grave (Forgiveness Quotes)
Forgiveness takes the burden of hate, guilt, and bitterness off your back and, with a lighter load, you can climb higher and faster, and be much happier in the process (Forgiveness Quotes)
Resentments are hardened chunks of anger. They loosen up and dissolve with forgiveness and letting go (Forgiveness Quotes)
Forgiveness unleashes joy. It brings peace. It washes the slate clean. It sets all the highest values of love in motion (Forgiveness Quotes)
God’s grace and forgiveness, while free to the recipient, are always costly for the giver (Forgiveness Quotes)
There is no justification without sanctification, no forgiveness without renewal of life, no real faith from which the fruits of new obedience do not grow (Forgiveness Quotes)
Forgiveness does not come easily to us, especially when someone we have trusted betrays our trust. And yet if we do not learn to forgive, we will discover that we can never really rebuild trust (Forgiveness Quotes)
There will be no future without forgiveness. Any process of peace is bound to collapse if this is missing. There is no way peace and stability can come through the gun of vengeance (Forgiveness Quotes)