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These are the few ways we can practice humility: To speak as little as possible of one's self. To mind one's own business. Not to want to manage other people's affairs. To avoid curiosity. To accept contradictions and correction cheerfully. To pass over the mistakes of others. To accept insults and injuries. To accept being slighted, forgotten and disliked. To be kind and gentle even under provocation. Never to stand on one's dignity. To choose always the hardest (Forgotten Quotes)
You can find Calcutta anywhere in the world. You only need two eyes to see. Everywhere in the world there are people that are not loved, people that are not wanted nor desired, people that no one will help, people that are pushed away or forgotten. And this is the greatest poverty (Forgotten Quotes)
Pharisee-type believers unconsciously think they've earned God's blessing through their behavior. Guilt-laden believers are sure they've forfeited God's blessing through disobedience or lack of discipline. Both have forgotten the meaning of grace - God's unmerited favor to those who deserve only His wrath (Forgotten Quotes)
If I didn't have my camera to remind me constantly, I am here to do this, I would eventually have slipped away, I think. I would have forgotten my reason to exist (Forgotten Quotes)
'Men have forgotten this truth,' said the fox. 'But you must not forget it. You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.' (Forgotten Quotes)
There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I’ve loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough (Forgotten Quotes)
I've never understood why people consider youth a time of freedom and joy. It's probably because they have forgotten their own (Forgotten Quotes)
Nay, the greatest wits and poets, too, cease to live; homer, their prince, sleeps now in the same forgotten sleep as do the others (Forgotten Quotes)
Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat... We must find each other (Forgotten Quotes)
Ah! Wilt thou leave me then without one kiss, to slay the very seeds of fear and doubt, that glad tomorrow may bring certain bliss? Hast thou forgotten how love lives by this, the memory of some hopeful close embrace, low whispered words within some lonely place? (Forgotten Quotes)
No pillager or wrecker had been there; it seemed that time had passed on otherwhere, nor laid a finger on this hidden place rich with the wealth of some forgotten race (Forgotten Quotes)
If we look closely at this Earth, where God seems so utterly forgotten, we shall find that it is he, after all, who commands the most fidelity and the most love (Forgotten Quotes)
Pray over every truth; for though the renewed heart is not desperately wicked, it is quite deceitful enough to become so, if God be forgotten a moment (Forgotten Quotes)
Even when educators survey grade school texts and create new bibliographies to help teachers include Asians, Eskimos, and other Americans, females in and out of those groups may be downplayed or forgotten (Forgotten Quotes)
The torment that so many young women know, bound hand and foot by love and motherhood, without having forgotten their former dreams (Forgotten Quotes)
One day I'll be old, dead, forgotten. And at this very moment, while I'm sitting here thinking these things, a man in a dingy hotel room is thinking, I will always be here (Forgotten Quotes)
I've never forgotten for long at a time that living is struggle. I know that every good and excellent thing in the world stands moment by moment on the razor edge of danger and must be fought for — whether it's a field, or a home, or a country (Forgotten Quotes)
With innovation and technology, seems we have forgotten to cherish the true beauty the world has to offer (Forgotten Quotes)
Pray always for all the learned, the oblique, the delicate. Let them not be quite forgotten at the throne of God when the simple come into their kingdom (Forgotten Quotes)
Those who believe that where great personages are concerned new favors cause old injuries to be forgotten deceive themselves (Forgotten Quotes)
How terrible to be forgotten by the god that made you, even if you're just a room. How could you love something that could do that anytime? (Forgotten Quotes)
Every eye in the crowded ballroom turns in their direction. And then he releases her and walks away. By the time Marco leaves the room, almost everyone has forgotten the incident entirely (Forgotten Quotes)
... He's imagining himself justice incarnate, balancing the scales. He's forgotten that justice incarnate is not only balancing the scales but also blindfolded (Forgotten Quotes)
No one had forgotten how in 1885 fouled water had ignited an outbreak of cholera and typhoid that killed ten percent of the city's population (Forgotten Quotes)
A lovely river, all alone, she lingers in the hills and holds a hundred little towns of stone, forgotten in the western wolds (Forgotten Quotes)
And we are magic talking to itself, noisy and alone. I am queen of all my sins forgotten. Am I still lost? Once I was beautiful. Now I am myself (Forgotten Quotes)
Good works, because they must be forgotten instantly, can never become part of the world; they come and go, leaving no trace. They truly are not of this world (Forgotten Quotes)
Hegel remarks somewhere that all great, world historical facts and personages occur, as it were, twice. He has forgotten to add: the first time as tragedy, the second as farce (Forgotten Quotes)
In the consultation of this small, maritime banana republic was a forgotten section that provided for the maintenance of a navy (Forgotten Quotes)
Everything we do is decent when the mind begins to forget - the design of life; and good when we are forgotten - the design of death (Forgotten Quotes)