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The prosperous can not easily form a right idea of misery  (Form Quotes) We must form our minds by reading deep rather than wide  (Form Quotes) I never sit down and write. I just sorta let things form in my brain  (Form Quotes) Principles are a dangerous form of social dynamite  (Form Quotes) My power is the ability to control water molecules and form them into ice  (Form Quotes) Stopping leaks is a new form of censorship  (Form Quotes) As to the mental essence, we find it in infants devoid of every mental form  (Form Quotes) Nothing ever quite dies, it just comes back in a different form  (Form Quotes) Acting is a form of confession  (Form Quotes) To give a child animal products is a form of child abuse  (Form Quotes) Unquestionably, standup comedy is and has always been an art form  (Form Quotes) Listening, not imitation, may be the sincerest form of flattery  (Form Quotes) Inaction may be the biggest form of action  (Form Quotes) The earliest form in which romances appear is that of a rude kind of verse  (Form Quotes) Autobiography is probably the most respectable form of lying  (Form Quotes) Sentimentality is a form of fatigue  (Form Quotes) Pictures help you to form the mental mold  (Form Quotes) I need a form of escape even when I’m working really hard  (Form Quotes) Ethanol is, in its pure form, just as much of a sham as oil  (Form Quotes) Bing was always hesitant to accept appreciation in any form  (Form Quotes) People come to music to seek oblivion: is that not also a form of deception?  (Form Quotes) I always felt thrilled and amazed that I could put actor on my tax form  (Form Quotes) I chose to treat the homosexuality like I would treat any other form of sexuality  (Form Quotes) Writers of fiction, when they begin, are more likely to try the short form  (Form Quotes) Singing becomes a form of therapy  (Form Quotes) High aims form high characters, and great objects bring out great minds  (Form Quotes) I think the story is my form  (Form Quotes) I loved tests because it was another form of competing, a healthy competition  (Form Quotes) An answer is always a form of death  (Form Quotes) Adult stem cells tend not to form tumors  (Form Quotes)
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