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Every photograph is a battle of form versus content  (Form Quotes) Laughter is grace in its gaseous form  (Form Quotes) Language helps form the limits of our reality  (Form Quotes) Homologue. The same organ in different animals under every variety of form and function  (Form Quotes) Travel is no more than a relatively healthy form of narcotic, after all  (Form Quotes) The sylph is a fragment of the earth’s soul in faery form  (Form Quotes) Love, in its purest form, is biology  (Form Quotes) Every new fashion is a form of rebellion  (Form Quotes) Four is a powerful figure in literature and physical form  (Form Quotes) An excess of reason is itself a form of madness  (Form Quotes) Confusion is the best form of communication. It’s left to be unexplained  (Form Quotes) Please phrase your answer in the form of a question  (Form Quotes) Creativity is a form of knowledge  (Form Quotes) The truth will form and fall apart again  (Form Quotes) Action, looks, words, steps, form the alphabet by which you may spell character  (Form Quotes) I’ve learned that sometimes a smile represents the greatest form of deceit  (Form Quotes) Architecture is not about form  (Form Quotes) It is in its pure form that an art hits hard  (Form Quotes) Nothing more inelegant and ineffective than an art conceived in another art’s form  (Form Quotes) Those who can do. Those who can’t form a supercommittee  (Form Quotes) The angels are as perfect in form as they are in spirit  (Form Quotes) Range is of the ego, form is of the soul  (Form Quotes) Words are a form of action, capable of influencing change  (Form Quotes) Perspiration is the best form of differentiation, especially in the creative world  (Form Quotes) Typography at its best is a visual form of language linking timelessness and time  (Form Quotes) Fearlessness can be its own form of power  (Form Quotes) Modesty is the delicate form of hypocrisy  (Form Quotes) The imagination is a species of knowledge, knowledge that can take the form of discovery  (Form Quotes) Editing feels almost like sculpting or a form of continuing the writing process  (Form Quotes) A lot of good things in my life came form half of my mistakes  (Form Quotes)
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