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Envision, create, and believe in your own universe, and the universe will form around you  (Form Quotes) The cynic suffers the form of faith without love. Incredulity is his piety  (Form Quotes) Experience is a form of paralysis  (Form Quotes) What is real is not the external form, but the essence of things  (Form Quotes) Abstract art has helped us to experience the emotional power inherent in pure form  (Form Quotes) Even an abstract form has to have a likeness  (Form Quotes) The chuckle is a perfectly acceptable form of laughter  (Form Quotes) A painted surface is a real, living form  (Form Quotes) Compassion is the greatest form of love humans have to offer  (Form Quotes) Currency warfare is the most destructive form of economic warfare  (Form Quotes) The mental pattern must always precede the material form  (Form Quotes) Enthusiasm is a form of social courage  (Form Quotes) Superstition has been defined as the use of a form whose significance has been forgotten  (Form Quotes) A work of art is a form that articulates forces, making them intelligible  (Form Quotes) Beware of seriousness: it is a form of stupidity  (Form Quotes) Every form of strength is also a form of weakness  (Form Quotes) Anxious, inexperienced writers obey rules. Rebellious, unschooled writers break rules. Artists master the form  (Form Quotes) Art for me is a form of nourishment. I need the land. I need it  (Form Quotes) If you analyse the function of an object, its form often becomes obvious  (Form Quotes) Implementation is the sincerest form of flattery  (Form Quotes) Lending books to other people is merely a shrewd form of housecleaning  (Form Quotes) Some truths are expressed best in the form of myth  (Form Quotes) Kindness is the highest form of intelligence  (Form Quotes) Economics is a form of brain damage  (Form Quotes) Streets moderate the form and structure and comfort of urban communities  (Form Quotes) ... in seduction, as in all forms of marketing, form superseds content  (Form Quotes) We are all evil in some form or another, are we not?  (Form Quotes) Boundless love always manages somehow to sparkle through your limited form  (Form Quotes) Writing, not dancing, is the chosen form of expression of the white man  (Form Quotes) Novels are... an unsurpassed form to understand people  (Form Quotes)
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