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Painting is a form of incarnation. It is spirit made manifest in the world  (Form Quotes) Feeding the birds is also a form of prayer  (Form Quotes) The purest form of listening is to listen without memory or desire  (Form Quotes) Speed is the absolute essence of any form of combat  (Form Quotes) I think laughter may be a form of courage  (Form Quotes) Design is a dreadful form of expression  (Form Quotes) Form must have a content, and that content must be linked with nature  (Form Quotes) Art is form struggling to wake from the nightmare of nature  (Form Quotes) Gossip is the worst form of judging  (Form Quotes) Command any idea to clothe itself in form  (Form Quotes) A community that learns together excels together. We need to form communities that learn together  (Form Quotes) Understanding is a form of blindness. Good art, I think, can never be understood  (Form Quotes) Order and disorder, form and formless must have profound psychological roots, nervous roots  (Form Quotes) A strict form such as mine cannot be achieved through improvisation  (Form Quotes) Short form media is reductionist by nature  (Form Quotes) Observation and study are necessary to achieve mastery of light and form  (Form Quotes) Forbearance is a form of generosity  (Form Quotes) Art is our weapon. Culture is a form of resistance  (Form Quotes) Punk is just as much a form of folk music as anything is!  (Form Quotes) Dreams form the bristles of the artist’s brush  (Form Quotes) Copying is the highest form of flattery  (Form Quotes) Trust, in its most primitive form, is based on authenticity, not flawlessness  (Form Quotes) I spent my life making fashion an art form  (Form Quotes) Suicide is the worst form of murder, because it leaves no opportunity for repentance  (Form Quotes) Depression is the most extreme form of vanity  (Form Quotes) A poem is a form of refrigeration that stops language going bad  (Form Quotes) Sometimes I think that just not thinking of oneself is a form of prayer  (Form Quotes) Idealism is the highest form of reason  (Form Quotes) Political science without biography is a form of taxidermy  (Form Quotes) It’s a cowardly form of politics to use my spouse to beat me  (Form Quotes)
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