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Saying what you believe others want to hear is, of course, a form of lying  (Form Quotes) I think dance in any culture, in any form, is a true leveler  (Form Quotes) Free form jazz means absolutely nothing to me. Because there are no boundaries  (Form Quotes) Direct navigation traffic is by far the most highly targeted form of web traffic available  (Form Quotes) Simply put, I’m glad that manga as an expressive form is expanding  (Form Quotes) Be happy for no reason is the most authentic form of happiness  (Form Quotes) For fun? Maybe evil is an art form  (Form Quotes) To remain silent in the face of evil is itself a form of evil  (Form Quotes) Death by drink driving is the only socially acceptable form of homicide  (Form Quotes) Poetry is the purest form of insanity  (Form Quotes) I had drawings that were the first time that mathematics was put into visual form  (Form Quotes) Poverty and wealth inequality are a form of instability into the future  (Form Quotes) Enemies carry a report in form different from the original  (Form Quotes) The mind is matter in solution and matter is mind in form  (Form Quotes) As picture teaches the colouring, so sculpture the anatomy of form  (Form Quotes) Pleasure, n. The least hateful form of dejection  (Form Quotes) Work in some form or other is the appointed lot of all  (Form Quotes) Every fresh experience points out some form of error which we shall afterwards carefully avoid  (Form Quotes) Drawing is your understanding of form  (Form Quotes) Colour acts simultaneously with form, but has nothing to do with form  (Form Quotes) Always stand by form against force  (Form Quotes) The creative process requires chaos before form emerges  (Form Quotes) Form is the shape of content  (Form Quotes) Intellect is resented as a form of power or privilege  (Form Quotes) Form, color, composition, drawing, are auxiliaries, any one of which... can be dispensed with  (Form Quotes) Work... has always been my favorite form of recreation  (Form Quotes) When the hoary old question of nature versus nurture comes around, sides form quickly  (Form Quotes) Art is a form of love. Art is the ultimate gift. Art heals life  (Form Quotes) I seek a form of language which will express my ideas for our time  (Form Quotes) The octave formed a circle and gave our noble earth its form  (Form Quotes)
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