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Any sufficiently advanced form of magick will appear indistinguishable from science  (Form Quotes) Dharma is another name for existence. It is existence in its purest form  (Form Quotes) Living the dream is simply a form of living your passion  (Form Quotes) When one has no form, one can be all forms  (Form Quotes) By putting yourself in that intense form of stress, it makes regular life more peaceful  (Form Quotes) Games are unquestionably the single most important cultural form of the digital age  (Form Quotes) Successful people form habits that feed their success, instead of habits that feed their failure  (Form Quotes) Prejudice is a form of untruthfulness, and untruthfulness is an insidious form of injustice  (Form Quotes) Form is the host; content is the virus  (Form Quotes) The most sincere form of love is love for food  (Form Quotes) The silent pictures were the purest form of cinema  (Form Quotes) The most elementary form of rebellion, paradoxically, expresses an aspiration for order  (Form Quotes) Nothing is more beautiful than a line that brings out a form  (Form Quotes) War is the highest form of modern art  (Form Quotes) The most uncommon form of intelligence is common sense  (Form Quotes) Nostalgia is a form of depression both for a society and an individual  (Form Quotes) No more was seen the human form divine  (Form Quotes) The wise form right judgment of the present from what is past  (Form Quotes) Any number of depraved units cannot form a great nation  (Form Quotes) War is the most readily available form of chaos  (Form Quotes) Love never goes away; it just changes form  (Form Quotes) We affirm depth as the only pictorial and plastic form of space  (Form Quotes) Art is a product of nature in general, in the particular form of human nature  (Form Quotes) The whole idea of ideas in art is useless. Only have ideas about form  (Form Quotes) Wit is a form of force that leaves the limbs at rest  (Form Quotes) Stories are the most primitive and purest form of communication  (Form Quotes) No fashion is ever a success unless it is used as a form of seduction  (Form Quotes) The form is the possibility of the structure  (Form Quotes) One loves only form, and form only comes into existence when the thing is born  (Form Quotes) Sexual harassment legislation in its present form makes all men unequal to all women  (Form Quotes)
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