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We may suppose that everyone has in himself the whole form of a moral conception  (Form Quotes) Even a painful longing is some form of presence  (Form Quotes) I think that limitations are the most important part of any art form  (Form Quotes) Immitation is the sincerest form of flattery  (Form Quotes) Don’t swallow your moral code in tablet form  (Form Quotes) Form and content must never apologize for each other  (Form Quotes) On current form, both teams will probably lose  (Form Quotes) Launch your boat, blessed youth, and flee at full speed from every form of culture  (Form Quotes) Change is a natural form of progression  (Form Quotes) I find that most of us actors can’t stand ourselves in any form  (Form Quotes) The soul is the form of the body  (Form Quotes) The form is always the measure of the obsession  (Form Quotes) Every song, every form of art, clothing, shoes, it has to be special  (Form Quotes) The intensest form of hatred is that rooted in fear  (Form Quotes) Manners form the great charm of women  (Form Quotes) Any form of complacency is the kiss of death for any professional  (Form Quotes) Nowadays, you form your beliefs to fit your behavior, not the other way around  (Form Quotes) All art is the tension, expressed between the uncontainable and its one perfect inevitable form  (Form Quotes) The rule of Nobody... is what the political form known as bureaucracy truly is  (Form Quotes) Corruption is government intrusion into market efficiencies in the form of regulations  (Form Quotes) Conventionality is the tacit agreement to set appearances before reality, form before content  (Form Quotes) Mythology is much better stuff than history. It has form; logic; a message  (Form Quotes) Entertainment for entertainment’s sake is the most expensive form of death  (Form Quotes) The world changed somewhat in form during its progress, but never in substance  (Form Quotes) Suffering must be the inevitable tariff exacted from spirit for residing in human form  (Form Quotes) I love the art form, but working in film can be a disheartening experience  (Form Quotes) Belief is a form of infantilism. There is no ground for believing anything  (Form Quotes) Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness  (Form Quotes) Singing is a form of meditation... apparently the only one that I have command over  (Form Quotes) I think it is incumbent on all human beings to oppose injustice in every form  (Form Quotes)
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