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Inflation is a form of hidden taxation which it is almost impossible to measure  (Form Quotes) Become empty to become complete, for it is the void that defines the form  (Form Quotes) The master action, to move forward is a form of inaction; being still and quiet  (Form Quotes) I don’t really like using ridicule as a form of humor  (Form Quotes) Magic is an art form where you lie and tell people you are lying  (Form Quotes) Expecting something for nothing is the most popular form of hope  (Form Quotes) Expressing anger is a form of public littering  (Form Quotes) Movies are an art form that is very available to the masses  (Form Quotes) Film in the 20th century, it’s the American art form, like jazz  (Form Quotes) You know, for most seniors Medicare is their only form of health care  (Form Quotes) The Italian gangster thing has become a form of the modern-day Western  (Form Quotes) Evangelism, in its purist form, is an overflow of worship  (Form Quotes) Music is the noise that surrounds the stillness of the art form  (Form Quotes) The most beautiful form of compromise is forgiveness  (Form Quotes) My nervous energy is usually the easiest form of energy to tap into  (Form Quotes) I began just writing poems and then fell in love with the form  (Form Quotes) Words are objects of a color and a size and a form and a shape  (Form Quotes) I have been a multitude of shapes, Before I assumed a consistent form  (Form Quotes) Dogma, Whatever Form It Takes, Is The Ultimate Enemy Of Human Freedom  (Form Quotes) Writing is a form of mischief  (Form Quotes) Love is a form of prejudice. I have too many other prejudices  (Form Quotes) Jazz music is a form of accelerated unconcern  (Form Quotes) Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning  (Form Quotes) Our survival depends on our ability to form trusting relationships  (Form Quotes) Evil is a form of incompetence  (Form Quotes) Singing is the lowest form of communication  (Form Quotes) We’ve got 8 points from 4 games. That’s automatic promotion form  (Form Quotes) Boxing is a more sophisticated form of hockey  (Form Quotes) Discouragement itself is a form of pride  (Form Quotes) Music is an art form. It is a way to wordlessly communicate  (Form Quotes)
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