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To play Trivial Pursuit with a life like mine could be said to be a form of homeopathy  (Form Quotes) Vegan food is soul food in its truest form. Soul food means to feed the soul. And, to me, your soul is your intent. If your intent is pure, you are pure  (Form Quotes) Atheism cheapens everything it touches - look at the results of communism, the most powerful form of atheism on earth  (Form Quotes) We have to reinvest, I think, in the idea of articulacy as a form of personal human freedom and power  (Form Quotes) I have seen a thousand times that angels are human form, or men, for I have conversed with them as man to man, sometimes with one alone, sometimes with many in company  (Form Quotes) The Good was not a form of reality. It was reality itself, ever changing, ultimately unknowable in any kind of fixed, rigid way  (Form Quotes) It is obvious: if you do not accept something that assumes the form of ‘destiny,’ you not only change its ‘natural laws’ but also the laws of the enemy playing the role of fate  (Form Quotes) I don’t think there is such a thing as being too raunchy when it comes to the art form of burlesque  (Form Quotes) There is a lot of snobbery towards pop music, to me and pop in general - it’s kind of a despised art form  (Form Quotes) Fairest of all the lights above, thou sun, whose beams adorn the spheres, and with unwearied swiftness move, to form the circles of our years  (Form Quotes) No matter what eyewitness testimony is in the court of law, it is the lowest form of evidence in the court of science  (Form Quotes) Imitate until you emulate; match and surpass those who launched you. It’s the highest form of thankfulness  (Form Quotes) We got rid of a terrible dictator. We gave the Iraqi people an opportunity for a new life under a representative form of government  (Form Quotes) Are you being sinister or is this some form of practical joke? I’m trying to come to the point. I refuse to give up my obsession  (Form Quotes) To have attained to the human form is a source of joy... What an incomparable bliss it is to undergo these countless transitions  (Form Quotes) This is what a father ought to be about: helping his son to form the habit of doing right on his own initiative, rather than because he’s afraid of some serious consequence  (Form Quotes) People used to say obvious things ironically or as a form of understatement, but in the last few decades they seem to say it with a sense of discovery, and it worries me  (Form Quotes) Form your life humanly, and you have done enough: but you will never reach the height of art and the depth of science without something divine  (Form Quotes) Novels are the Socratic dialogues of our time. Practical wisdom fled from school wisdom into this liberal form  (Form Quotes) An artist is he for whom the goal and center of life is to form his mind  (Form Quotes) Irony is the form of paradox. Paradox is what is good and great at the same time  (Form Quotes) Madam, don’t bring up your sons to detest the United States Government. Recollect that we form one country now. Abandon all these local animosities, and make your sons Americans  (Form Quotes) Disassociating, mindfulness, transcendence - whatever the label - it’s a sort of loophole in our contract with reality, a form of self-rescue  (Form Quotes) Conscious and unconscious experiences do not belong to different compartments of the mind; they form a continuous scale of gradations, of degrees of awareness  (Form Quotes) Voice, come out of the silence. Say something. Appear in the form of a spider or a moth beating the curtain. Tell me: which is the way I take; out of what door do I go, where and to whom?  (Form Quotes) “How poetic you are,” she said. “I’ve a notion that poetry is the highest form of self-deception.”  (Form Quotes) The grateful mind is constantly fixed upon the best. Therefore it tends to become the best. It takes the form or character of the best, and will receive the best  (Form Quotes) A person can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created  (Form Quotes) Do not believe that any one can know, better than yourself, what is right for you. Listen to what others have to say, but always form your own conclusions  (Form Quotes) You must form a clear and definite mental picture of what you want. You cannot transmit an idea unless you have it yourself  (Form Quotes)
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