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We grew up in a very creative environment and were exposed to the arts at a very young age, so it’s not a surprise that all of us are in some form of the arts  (Form Quotes) We’re five people, five individuals who came together to create something, to make music and to complete each other musically, to form a perfect circle  (Form Quotes) When you buy a gallon of gas, over 60 percent of the energy you pay for goes out the radiator in the form of waste heat? That’s why you have a radiator in your car in the first place  (Form Quotes) When you start fooling around with drugs, you’re hurting your creativity, you’re hurting your health. Drugs are death, in one form or another. If they don’t kill you, they kill your soul. And if your soul’s dead, you’ve got nothing to offer, anyway  (Form Quotes) You have to stick out the toughness of the business and form relationships with the people in it  (Form Quotes) We’re getting rid of bureaucracy, so that we’re releasing time for police officers to be crime fighters and not form writers  (Form Quotes) I would recommend the short story form, which is a lot harder to write since you have to be so careful with words, until there is plenty of time to doodle through a novel  (Form Quotes) People have freaked out when I tell them that my dragons are scientifically based... what else can you call a genetically engineered life form?  (Form Quotes) Give tax breaks to large corporations, so that money can trickle down to the general public, in the form of extra jobs  (Form Quotes) Melody is a form of remembrance. It must have a quality of inevitability in our ears  (Form Quotes) Healthy ideas of both left and right, along with totally new ideas, must form a growing united front  (Form Quotes) Living is a form of not being sure, not knowing what next or how. The moment you know how, you begin to die a little. The artist never entirely knows. We guess. We may be wrong, but we take leap after leap in the dark  (Form Quotes) Imitation is the highest form of flattery, but clones kind of get it wrong because we are promoting individuality and being proud of being yourself  (Form Quotes) I somehow sensed when I was a teenager that I wanted to do my own work. I was quite clear that I didn’t want to be an interpretative kind of artist. I had an intuition about wanting to create my own form, in one way or another, whatever that would be  (Form Quotes) When I play, I become entirely absorbed in the game. It may be a form of concentration  (Form Quotes) I don’t see it as a form of healing, because if you have wounds that are bleeding I don’t think acting will ever get them to stop. But I find acting is a form of illumination  (Form Quotes) The establishment of a law, moreover, does not take place when the first thought of it takes form, or even when its significance is recognised, but only when it has been confirmed by the results of the experiment  (Form Quotes) Thou has a thousand eyes and yet not one eye; Thou host a thousand forms and yet not one form  (Form Quotes) I developed a mechanism so that whatever mistakes I made, I would bounce straight back. Whatever was happening off the pitch, I could put it to one side and maintain my form. Call it mental resilience or a strong mind, but that is what we mean when we talk about experience in a football team  (Form Quotes) One year’s poor form remains a blip but if it happens next year, you can say it’s a trend  (Form Quotes) The film director, in many instances, has to swallow somebody else’s decision about the final form of something. It’s so hard as to be intolerable  (Form Quotes) There is only one admirable form of the imagination: the imagination that is so intense that it creates a new reality, that it makes things happen  (Form Quotes) If I wrote in a sonnet form, I would be distorting. Or if I had some great new idea for line breaks and I used it in a poem, but it’s really not right for that poem, but I wanted it, that would be distorting  (Form Quotes) Acting is a masochistic form of exhibitionism. It is not quite the occupation of an adult  (Form Quotes) I think I realized it was an art form at the beginning, but it took me a really long time before I was able to view what I was performing myself as an art form  (Form Quotes) All of the generations go to what is chic for them, and theater seems to be an older generation’s art form  (Form Quotes) In a sense it might even be said that our failure is to form habits: for, after all, habit is relative to a stereotyped world, and meantime it is only the roughness of the eye that makes two persons, things, situations, seem alike  (Form Quotes) I think you can do anything with comics that you could do in just about any art form  (Form Quotes) Identity in the form of continuity of personality is an extremely important characteristic of the individual  (Form Quotes) Today’s practicality is often no more than the accepted form of yesterday’s theory  (Form Quotes)
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