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Forms Quotes

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I can see forms and shapes in my mind when I solo, just as a painter can see forms and shapes when he starts painting. And I can see different colors  (Forms Quotes) This new sport is comparable to no other. It is, in my opinion, one of the most intoxicating forms of sport, and will, I am sure, become one of the most popular. Many of us will perish before then, but that prospect will not dismay the braver spirits... It is so delicious to fly like a bird!  (Forms Quotes) Passing into higher forms of desire, that which slumbered in the plant, and fitfully stirred in the beast, awakes in the man  (Forms Quotes) Through one word, or seven words, or three times five, even if you investigate thoroughly myriad forms, nothing can be depended upon. Night advances, the moon glows and falls into the ocean. The black dragon jewel you have been searching for, is everywhere  (Forms Quotes) We live in the midst of invisible forces whose effects alone we perceive. We move among invisible forms whose actions we very often do not perceive at all, though we may be profoundly affected by them  (Forms Quotes) This, it may be said, is no more than a hypothesis, but it satisfies the conditions of a legitimate hypothesis, by postulating the operation of no unknown or uncertain cause, but only of that force of precedent which in all times has been so strong to keep alive religious forms of which the original meaning is lost  (Forms Quotes) You know what the best kind of organic certification would be? Make an unannounced visit to a farm and take a good long look at the farmer’s bookshelf. Because what you’re feeding your emotions and thoughts is what this is really all about. The way I produce a chicken is an extension of my worldview. You can learn more about that by seeing what’s sitting on my bookshelf than having me fill out a whole bunch of forms  (Forms Quotes) Ask yourself: What forms the decisions you make? What is it that gnaws at you? What are your crucible moments?  (Forms Quotes) Everything lives by movement, everything is maintained by equilibrium, and harmony results from the analogy of contraries; this law is the form of forms  (Forms Quotes) States created markets. Markets require states. Neither could continue without the other, at least, in anything like the forms we would recognize today  (Forms Quotes) Abstract is not a style. I simply want to make a surface work. This is just a use of space and form: it’s an ambivalence of forms and space  (Forms Quotes) The basis and firm groundwork of the material, and its primary contribution, lies in the concept that consciousness itself indeed creates matter, that consciousness is not imprisoned by matter but forms it, and that consciousness is not limited or bound by time or space; time and space in your terms being necessary distortions, or adopted conditions, forming a strata for physical existence  (Forms Quotes) I simply love classic design when it’s reinterpreted. These collections reflect the spirit of this design philosophy; clean pared down lines and forms rooted in tradition yet made to feel new and modern with unexpected or stylized scale, finishes and detailing. This contemporary take on tradition creates a look that’s at once current yet timeless, fresh yet familiar…the essence of both beautiful design and a beautifully designed home  (Forms Quotes) I have therefore come to the opinion that the most reasonable recourse for the humanization of society and its institutions is to abandon them and begin again to build a society with a just, equitable and compassionate economy with justice, equality, and reverence for all life insured by the goals and forms of all its institutions  (Forms Quotes) Secrets can take many forms. They can be shocking or silly or soulful. They can connect us with our deepest humanity, or with people we’ll never meet  (Forms Quotes) Maximise the alternative forms in which a user might receive a service, and the alternative sources of supply  (Forms Quotes) People are complicated creatures. On the one hand, capable of great acts of charity, and on the other, capable of the most underhanded forms of betrayal. It’s a constant battle that rages within all of us, between the better angels of our nature and the temptations of our inner demons. And sometimes, the only way to ward off the darkness is to shine the light of compassion  (Forms Quotes) They say that childhood forms us, that those early influences are the key to everything. Is the peace of the soul so easily won? Simply the inevitable result of a happy childhood. What makes childhood happy? Parental harmony? Good health? Security? Might not a happy childhood be the worst possible preparation for life? Like leading a lamb to the slaughter  (Forms Quotes) We believe that every relationship is unique unto itself, and thus even an attempt to think in types and forms is not going to express the essential truths of what happens when we love people  (Forms Quotes) They taught me that all life forms are important to each other in our common quest for happiness and survival. That there is more to life than just yourself, your own family, or your own kind  (Forms Quotes) Being brought up in a culture is a matter of learning appropriate forms of feeling as much as particular ways of thinking  (Forms Quotes) Music speaks to people at a level that is much more universal and can kind of trigger things in the listener in ways that other forms of communication can’t  (Forms Quotes) So it persists, for many of us, hunger channeled into some internal circuitry of longing, routed this way and that, emerging in a thousand different forms. The diet form, the romance form, the addiction form, the overriding hunger for this purchase or that job, this relationship or that one. Hunger may be insatiable by nature, it may be fathomless, but our will to fill it, our often blind tenacity in the face of it, can be extraordinary  (Forms Quotes) I believe that the ascent of mountains forms an essential chapter in the complete duty of man, and that it is wrong to leave any district without setting foot on its highest peak  (Forms Quotes) If liberty of speech is to be untrammeled from the grosser forms of constraint, the uniformity of opinion will be secured by a moral terrorism to which the respectability of society will give its thorough approval  (Forms Quotes) There is no line between fine art and illustration; there is no high or low art; there is only art, and it comes in many forms  (Forms Quotes) Analysis, if it is really carried out with a complete concentration of his powers, forms and completes a chess player  (Forms Quotes) One reason that the task of inventing manners is so difficult is that etiquette is folk custom, and people have emotional ties to the forms of their youth. That is why there is such hostility between generations in times of rapid change; their manners being different, each feels affronted by the other, taking even the most surface choices for challenges  (Forms Quotes) Gratitude takes three forms: a feeling in the heart, an expression in words, and a giving in return  (Forms Quotes) Reducing the nuclear danger will require a universal, consistent opposition to all forms of weapons development  (Forms Quotes)
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