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I believe in the relatedness of all forms of life from the simplest to the most complex. We humans share the same family tree as all life on earth, back to the first stirrings in the primal ocean  (Forms Quotes) To teach means scarcely anything more than to show how things differ from one another in their different purposes, forms, and origins... Therefore, he who differentiates well teaches well  (Forms Quotes) The circle is the synthesis of the greatest oppositions. It combines the concentric and the eccentric in a single form and in equilibrium. Of the three primary forms, it points most clearly to the fourth dimension  (Forms Quotes) If you do not let go of thinking about forms, you will not understand what I am showing  (Forms Quotes) I’m not for pretending that bad stuff doesn’t exist, and a passion for justice and truth is a libertarian trait. But the idea of liberty should also reveal new forms of beauty in the world, astonishing evidence of order without dictate, lovely examples of innovation without planning, and other magical things. Surely these deserve some attention too  (Forms Quotes) All forms of books make a valuable contribution to education and the dissemination of culture and information. The diversity of books and editorial content is a source of enrichment that we must support through appropriate public policies and protect from uniformity  (Forms Quotes) Out of our deepest memories come the forgotten forms of the past, given new life by the living sentience of an ancient and eternal forest  (Forms Quotes) Repetition and ritual and their good results come in many forms: changing the oil filter, wiping noses, going to meetings, picking up around the house, washing dishes, checking the dipstick... such a round of chores is not a set of difficulties we hope to escape from so that we may do our practice, which will put us on the path. It is our path  (Forms Quotes) We shouldn’t demonize the woman who wears high heels and we shouldn’t demonize the woman who doesn’t wear high heels. We should accept all forms of comportment  (Forms Quotes) Resistance is a simple concept: power, unjust and immoral, is confronted and dismantled. The powerful are denied their right to hurt the less powerful. Domination is replaced by equity in a shift or substitution of institutions. That shift eventually forms new human relationships, both personally and across society  (Forms Quotes) Human beings were not meant to sit in little cubicles staring at computer screens all day, filling out useless forms and listening to eight different bosses drone on about about mission statements  (Forms Quotes) Martial arts are art forms and require a great deal of discipline and dedication. I so admire people who focus their lives on it, because it’s not an easy thing to do  (Forms Quotes) Pretending that the world’s religions are the same does not make our world safer. Like all forms of ignorance, it makes our world more dangerous. What we need on this furiously religious planet is a realistic view of where religious rivals clash and where they can cooperate  (Forms Quotes) The particular province of the shaman is the province of soul, that which feeds our embodied life, or fails to feed it. From a shamanic point of view, the relationship with animal allies, or animals that show themselves in animal forms, is a vital part of living. We’re fully embodied, with full access to our natural soul energy  (Forms Quotes) Rumour has it that the gardens of natural history museums are used for surreptitious burial of those intermediate forms between species which might disturb the orderly classifications of the taxonomist  (Forms Quotes) Betrayal, in all forms, is painful. It can make you go crazy. But we all have choices on how to deal with it. Do we just go away or stay?  (Forms Quotes) In our civilization, there are permanent forms which are part of every epoch and every culture. They are not especially difficult to detect. A minimal knowledge of physics, astrophysics, and perhaps mathematics, brings to light certain patterns that make these subjects easier to understand. It is striking to see the extreme similarity between these scientific propositions and the forms that recur in all times, places and civilizations  (Forms Quotes) We’re one of the last handmade art forms. There’s no fast way to make plays. It takes just as long and is just as hard as it was a thousand years ago  (Forms Quotes) I like to think there is something deep in our own world of reality that will create a dynamic balance between technology and human existence, the relationship between which has a decisive effect on contemporary cultural forms and social structure  (Forms Quotes) Happiness has this essential difference from what is commonly called pleasure, that virtue forms its basis, and virtue being the offspring of reason, may be expected to produce uniformity of effect  (Forms Quotes) Common integration is only the memory of differentiation... The different artifices by which integration is effected, are changes, not from the known to the unknown, but from forms in which memory does not serve us to those in which it does  (Forms Quotes) The transfinite numbers are in a certain sense themselves new irrationalities and in fact in my opinion the best method of defining the finite irrational numbers is wholly disimilar to, and I might even say in priciple the same as, my method described above of introducing trasfinite numbers. One can say unconditionally: the transfinite numbers stand or fall with the finite irrational numbers; they are like each other in their innermost being; for the former like the latter are definite delimited forms or modifications of the actual infinite  (Forms Quotes) When design springs from an understanding of the people who are going to use a product, you begin to see forms that you would never have imagined  (Forms Quotes) If you look on the history of art you observe how the most popular forms trample the rest. The abstract expressionists destroyed figurative work for more than 30 years  (Forms Quotes) The pack includes analysis and summary forms as well as very explicit links between assessment and individualised intervention... these materials are often lacking in published therapy programmes and are especially helpful... the pack provides very clear guidelines... overall it will be a very significant addition to speech and language therapy practice  (Forms Quotes) At the very least, participatory involvement with the many forms of art can enable us to see more in our experience, to hear more on normally unheard frequencies, to become conscious of what daily routines have obscured, what habit and convention have suppressed  (Forms Quotes) Racism does not limit itself to biology or economics or psychology or metaphysics; it attacks along many fronts and in many forms, deploying whatever is at hand, and even what is not, inventing when the need arises  (Forms Quotes) There’s a lot of different forms of communication, but music is absolutely the purest one  (Forms Quotes) We think that diamonds are very important, gold is very important, all these minerals are very important. We call them precious minerals, but they are all forms of the soil. But that part of this mineral that is on top, like it is the skin of the earth, that is the most precious of the commons  (Forms Quotes) I believe that both art and the human striving for cognitive comprehension are manifest forms of the grand game in which nothing more is stipulated than the game’s rules; both art and actively solicited perceptions are but special cases of the recurring creative act to which we owe our existence  (Forms Quotes)
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