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Not all teachers utilize both forms of light.In certain circles, those teachers who can manifest the light of samadhi but not the mystical light have put down the mystical light  (Forms Quotes) You’re composed of an aggregate of different forms and energies, the samskaras. These are lines within your own being. When you go into samadhi, these lines dissolve gradually so you become less formed  (Forms Quotes) A very advanced master can glow so strongly that you see divine in them. You look into them and you see infinity constantly changing, evolving and radiating in new forms  (Forms Quotes) What I try to do is the art of building, and the art of building is the art of construction; it is not only about forms and shapes and images  (Forms Quotes) In a society that celebrates the inessential, architecture can put up a resistance, counteract the waste of forms and meanings and speak its own language  (Forms Quotes) Developing a genius mindset essentially comes down to two things: operating at speed and using the subconscious mind more than the conscious. This intuitive or relaxed approach to study is the polar opposite of traditional and mainstream forms of education  (Forms Quotes) Energy is the only universal currency: one of its many forms must be transformed to another in order for stars to shine, planets to rotate, plants to grow, and civilizations to evolve  (Forms Quotes) I think the gay community, just like anybody, should be represented in all forms and all types  (Forms Quotes) We have already discovered the fact that fear is the chief reason for poverty and failure and misery that takes on a thousand different forms. We have already discovered the fact that the man who masters fear may march on to successful achievement in practically any undertaking, despite all efforts to defeat him  (Forms Quotes) When the forms of an old culture are dying, the new culture is created by a few people who are not afraid to be insecure  (Forms Quotes) People can help us heal, can give us medicine, advice, many forms of help, but nobody can manage our minds for us  (Forms Quotes) My music is very, very precise. It’s very rigorous. The forms are much more intricate than you would imagine  (Forms Quotes) The adoration of the sun was one of the earliest and most natural forms of religious expression. Complex modern theologies are merely involvements and amplifications of this simple aboriginal belief  (Forms Quotes) A mind that is very selective to forms... is apt to use its images metaphorically, to exploit their possible significance for the conception of remote or intangible ideas  (Forms Quotes) The mind’s capacity is limitless, and its manifestations are inexhaustible. Seeing forms with your eyes, hearing sounds with your ears, smelling odors with your nose, tasting flavors with your tongue, every movement or state is all your mind  (Forms Quotes) You have to look at your own thought forms. Are you sitting around and thinking a lot of negative thoughts? These injure the subtle body. When you hate, when you are angry, you bring that energy through you  (Forms Quotes) All the manifest forms of existence are but illusions. They are momentary displays of consciousness, flashes of lightening in the sky. They are there for a moment and then they are gone  (Forms Quotes) In the end we just realize there’s no end. It just goes on forever, in countlessly new forms. That’s what’s wonderful about the universe there’s no escape from living. Death doesn’t even end it  (Forms Quotes) Cooking hasn’t yet been accepted as the art form it is. It should be on the level with any of the other art forms  (Forms Quotes) I start with fear. It comes in so many forms. When I write, some of the fear goes away. So I write into the fear, and even more dissipates. I want to be scared while writing. I want to bring it to the surface so I can banish it  (Forms Quotes) The cultivation of a hobby and new forms of interest is a policy of first importance to a public man  (Forms Quotes) If what is seen and experienced is portrayed in the language of logic, then it is science. If it is communicated through forms whose connections are not accessible to the conscious mind but are recognized intuitively, then it is art  (Forms Quotes) For he who would proceed aright... should begin in youth to visit beautiful forms... out of that he should create fair thoughts; and soon he will of himself perceive that the beauty of one form is akin to the beauty of another, and that beauty in every form is one and the same  (Forms Quotes) All the new media are art forms which have the power of imposing, like poetry, their own assumptions  (Forms Quotes) From the point of view of art, there are no concrete or abstract forms, but only forms which are more or less convincing lies  (Forms Quotes) No doubt, it is useful for an artist to know all the forms of art which have preceded or which accompany his. That is a sign of strength if it is a question of looking for a stimulus or recognizing mistakes he must avoid  (Forms Quotes) It is the limitation of means that determines style, gives rise to new forms and makes creativity possible  (Forms Quotes) In front of the model I work with the same will to reproduce truth as if I were making a portrait. I do not correct nature, I incorporate myself into it; it directs me. I can only work with a model. The sight of human forms nourishes and comforts me  (Forms Quotes) There are forms that can only be seen when you are near a painting, others only appear when you are far away  (Forms Quotes) I am progressing very slowly, for nature reveals herself to me in very complex forms; and the progress needed is incessant  (Forms Quotes)
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