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Forms Quotes

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Forms in art arise from the impact of idea upon material... so that thinking and belief and attitudes may endure as actual things  (Forms Quotes) If you imitate the forms of a single artist through constant practice, your intelligence would have to be crude indeed for you not to get some nourishment from them  (Forms Quotes) I see only forms that are lit up and forms that are not. There is only light and shadow  (Forms Quotes) Last night I dreamed that I came face to face with a picture I had done and forgotten, a forest done in simple movement, just forms of trees moving in space. That is the third time I have seen pictures in my dreams, a glint of what I am striving to attain  (Forms Quotes) I organize the opposition between colors, lines and curves. I set curves against straight lines, patches of color against plastic forms, pure colors against subtly nuanced shades of gray  (Forms Quotes) Spaces between the forms, or the negative shapes, play just as great a role as the positives and they enable you to check the accuracy of your drawing. The positives make the negatives and negatives make the positives  (Forms Quotes) There is a case for saying that the creation of new aesthetic forms has been the most fundamentally productive of all forms of human activity. Whoever creates new artistic conventions has found methods of interchange between people about matters which were incommunicable before. The capacity to do this has been the basis of the whole of human history  (Forms Quotes) It seemed to me that it was possible to translate light, forms, and character using nothing but color, without recourse to values  (Forms Quotes) I feel more as if I’m shaping something with my hands. I feel as if I’ve always wanted to get to that state. Like a blind man in a dark room had some clay, what would he make? I end up with 2 or 3 forms on a canvas, but it gets very physical for me  (Forms Quotes) The great artists do not seek their forms in the midst of the past, but take the deepest soundings they can of the genuine, profoundest of their age  (Forms Quotes) The biggest bursts of speciation that we know about in the history of the earth are soon after great cataclysms, like the extinction of the dinosaurs, which create new opportunities, and all sorts of new forms spring up... So, quite often, the reasons for creativity depend on accidents or disasters that prevent the normal habits being carried out  (Forms Quotes) Creativity gives new forms, new patterns, new ideas, new art forms. And we don’t know where creativity comes from. Is it inspired from above? Welling up from below? Picked up from the air? What? Creativity is a mystery wherever you encounter it  (Forms Quotes) The cumulative nature of the evolutionary process, the fact that memory is preserved, means that life grows not just through a random proliferation of new forms, but there’s a kind of cumulative quality  (Forms Quotes) When people see one of these new forms of art for the first time, often they can’t make sense of it. Then, if it’s around long enough, a lot of people get used to it and it becomes assimilated into culture. So there’s a morphic field both for the kind of art and for the appreciation of it  (Forms Quotes) You should draw not what the thing looks like, not even what it is, but what it is doing... Gesture has no precise edges, no forms. The forms are in the act of changing. Gesture is movement in space  (Forms Quotes) I look at the bird in the cage and see the air, not only the air that is around the bird when it flies, but I see and feel the formative tendency of air in its form. When I do all this, then what lives in the forms becomes enlivened and spiritualized for me  (Forms Quotes) I work like a labourer on a farm or in a vineyard. Things come to me slowly. My vocabulary of forms, for instance, has not been the discovery of a day. It took shape in spite of myself... That is why I am always working on a hundred different things at the same time  (Forms Quotes) It is acknowledged, namely, that there are in the world three forms of government, autocracy, oligarchy, and democracy: autocracies and oligarchies are administered according to the tempers of their lords, but democratic states according to established laws  (Forms Quotes) It is possible that, through horizontal and vertical lines constructed with awareness, but not with calculation, led by high intuition, and brought to harmony and rhythm, these basic forms of beauty, supplemented if necessary by other direct lines or curves, can become a work of art, as strong as it is true  (Forms Quotes) They say one of the greatest forms of flattery is for your son to follow in your footsteps. And so I enjoy that greatest form of flattery, without a doubt  (Forms Quotes) The consolation of art comes in many forms... For some it is making, for others it is having  (Forms Quotes) The most convincing artistic forms of our time are inner models of structural vitality and social relevance. They give us confidence that in spite of everything there is still quality to life  (Forms Quotes) Maybe the given person, cup, or landscape is lost before one gets to painting. A figure exerts a continuing and unspecified influence on a painting as the canvas develops. The represented forms are loaded with psychological feeling. It can’t ever just be painting  (Forms Quotes) I don’t want dead paint, so I test many of my works by studying them in a dark room at twilight or even after dark to check the luminosity. If the darker forms still have resonance and luminosity, I know the painting’s working  (Forms Quotes) Since the age of six I have had the habit of sketching forms of objects. Although from about fifty I have often published my pictorial works, before the seventieth year none is worthy  (Forms Quotes) Of all forms of tyranny the least attractive and the most vulgar is the tyranny of mere wealth  (Forms Quotes) Direct and easy communications - freedom of speech in all forms and in its broadest sense - has become vital to the very survival of a civilized humanity  (Forms Quotes) To myself, mountains are the beginning and the end of all natural scenery; in them, and in the forms of inferior landscape that lead to them, my affections are wholly bound up  (Forms Quotes) When the spirit is understood, then life becomes not at all common, but a constant magical circus in which you see yourself reflected in all forms and all formlessness  (Forms Quotes) One of the greatest forms of success is to be able to help others accomplish their own success  (Forms Quotes)
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