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Unfortunately, the current pace of progress is not nearly rapid enough, with many rich industrialised countries being slow to make the transition to cleaner and more efficient forms of economic growth  (Forms Quotes) In a cookie factory, different cookies are baked in the shape of animals, cars, people, and airplanes. They all have different names and forms, but they are all made from the same dough, and they all taste the same  (Forms Quotes) Art forms render ideas accessible to readers who could not receive those insights in any other format  (Forms Quotes) The most important thing that I can share with you is the personal knowledge that decisions are not irrevocable, that choices do come back, sometimes in different forms and in different ways, but they can be remade  (Forms Quotes) We shall find the abstract equivalent for all forms and elements in the universe, then we shall combine them in sculptural constructions according to the mood of our inspiration  (Forms Quotes) The issue of providing women all forms of preventative health care has been and remains very important. The, the importance of protecting religious liberties in this country has been important to the president and will always be  (Forms Quotes) Fashion is one of the most beautiful forms of art we have. It’s a form of art that every person gets to possess and create for themselves  (Forms Quotes) Trusting each other is the beginning of a certain secular faith, a faith that allows us to live in families and communities and nations. Democracy, above all other forms of government, requires this faith  (Forms Quotes) In its more authoritarian forms, religion punishes questioning and rewards gullibility. Faith is not a function of stupidity, but a frequent cause of it  (Forms Quotes) So many of man’s actions appear to have no immediate consequence but, concealed, do their work until finally all catches up and forms a complex web of cause and effect  (Forms Quotes) Nature forms us in a certain manner, both inwardly and outwardly, and it is in vain to attempt to alter it  (Forms Quotes) The history of the creative progress of individual artists shows that, along with their spiritual growth and the increasing complexity of their inner life, their forms of expression become more complex  (Forms Quotes) I think the most effective forms of critique are ones that establish a common ground for people to occupy, and then appeal to the best nature of people on that common ground  (Forms Quotes) In struggling against anguish one never produces serenity; the struggle against anguish only produces new forms of anguish  (Forms Quotes) It is impossible to preserve my friendship with people who are allegedly leaders when they are attacking their own people, shooting at them, using tanks and other forms of heavy weaponry  (Forms Quotes) I deeply believe that marriage is by nature between a man and a woman, but that conviction does not prevent me from recognising that other forms of affective relationships exist  (Forms Quotes) Like all forms of collective security, multilateral sanctions require a unanimity rarely achieved in international politics  (Forms Quotes) Design is not the act of amazing an audience with the novelty of forms or materials; it is the originality that repeatedly extracts astounding ideas from the crevices of the very commonness of everyday life  (Forms Quotes) The occurrence of successive forms of life upon our globe is an historical fact, which cannot be disputed; and the relation of these successive forms, as stages of evolution of the same type, is established in various cases  (Forms Quotes) Anything that we love seems to always come out in some form or another, but once it gets into your brain, these things get processed, and they come out in new shapes and forms  (Forms Quotes) Rock has to absorb other rhythmic forms, because the underlying rhythm of music changes with fashion, and people like to move differently, and the underlying rhythms have to be the ones that people want to dance to  (Forms Quotes) I don’t draw any distinctions between forms of bigotry or forms of ideology that lose sight of the humanity of people. I can’t stand white supremacy. I can’t stand male supremacy. I can’t stand imperial subjugation. I can’t stand homophobia  (Forms Quotes) Poverty and slavery are thus only two forms ofthe same thing, the essence of which is that a man’s energies are expended for the most part not on his own behalf but on that of others  (Forms Quotes) Not all the ravages caused by our merciless age are tangible ones. The subtler forms of destruction, those involving only the human spirit, are the most to be dreaded  (Forms Quotes) In a cabinet of natural history, we become sensible of a certain occult recognition and sympathy in regard to the most unwieldy and eccentric forms of beast, fish, and insect  (Forms Quotes) The novel has always been the form that incorporates other forms. For me, it has always been the ultimate medium  (Forms Quotes) By voting, we add our voice to the chorus that forms opinions and the basis for actions  (Forms Quotes) The wise man should withdraw his soul within, out of the crowd, and keep it in freedom and power to judge things freely; but as for externals, he should wholly follow the accepted fashions and forms  (Forms Quotes) When forms begin to crumble there is always an opportunity for great deepening. By deepening I mean the arising of who you are beyond form  (Forms Quotes) New inventions can and will be made; however, nothing new can be thought of that concerns moral man. Everything has already been thought and said which at best we can express in different forms and give new expressions to  (Forms Quotes)
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