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Although you might have to creep about at night and lie to your mum it’s actually one of the more honest art forms available. There is no elitism or hype, it exhibits on the best walls a town has to offer and nobody is put off by the price of admission  (Forms Quotes) Democracy may not prove in the long run to be as efficient as other forms of government, but it has one saving grace: it allows us to know and say that it isn’t  (Forms Quotes) We know from biology that new forms of organisms simulate their primitive form as closely as possible at first, even though obliged to exist under changed internal and external conditions  (Forms Quotes) The particular features of the photographic method of detecting atomic particles enabled us to establish the existence of transient forms of matter which had escaped recognition by other methods  (Forms Quotes) One thus sees that a new kind of theory is needed which drops these basic commitments and at most recovers some essential features of the older theories as abstract forms derived from a deeper reality in which what prevails in unbroken wholeness  (Forms Quotes) Your brain forms roughly 10,000 new cells every day, but unless they hook up to preexisting cells with strong memories, they die. Serves them right  (Forms Quotes) We all have a right to know, and if the government has been suppressing information about other life forms, that’s the cruelest hoax of all  (Forms Quotes) And the camera position, the organization, looking for repeating forms, shapes, trying to set up a visual rhythm seemed to come very natural. All of a sudden I was in a forest of aluminum and steel rather than a forest that we might think of in a traditional sense  (Forms Quotes) This, it may be said, is no more than a hypothesis... Only of that force of precedent which in all times has been so strong to keep alive religious forms of which the original meaning is lost  (Forms Quotes) Indeed, the whole company, although thin in flesh, and generally of slight forms, and limbs, especially, are as good looking and intelligent a body of men as we usually meet with  (Forms Quotes) Whatever is in any way beautiful hath its source of beauty in itself, and is complete in itself; praise forms no part of it. So it is none the worse nor the better for being praised  (Forms Quotes) This language controls by reducing the linguistic forms and symbols of reflection, abstraction, development, contradiction; by substituting images for concepts. It denies or absorbs the transcendent vocabulary; it does not search for but establishes and imposes truth and falsehood  (Forms Quotes) It is true that advertising often gives information and is valuable for doing so, but some forms of advertising give precious little information, and even that little is wrong  (Forms Quotes) I have visually witnessed, in the physical, several life forms, intelligent life forms, aboard this great mother ship  (Forms Quotes) All forms of violence are quests for identity. When you live on the frontier, you have no identity. You’re a nobody  (Forms Quotes) The reader is the content of any poem or of the language he employs, and in order to use any of these forms, he must put them on  (Forms Quotes) There is a kind of synergy between the different forms of work, you’ll learn things from one sort of work that will have tremendous application in another. They all tend to pull each other forward  (Forms Quotes) You are of all my friends the one who illustrates pragmatism in its most needful forms. You are a jewel of pragmatism  (Forms Quotes) Visual forms are not perceived differently from colors or brightness. They are sense qualities, and the visual character of geometry consists in these sense qualities  (Forms Quotes) The world is chiefly a mental fact. From mind it receives the forms of time and space, the principle of casuality, color, warmth, and beauty. Were there no mind, there would be no world  (Forms Quotes) If ancient descent could confer nobility, the lower forms of life would possess it in a greater degree than man  (Forms Quotes) New knowledge is only useful in so far as it opens up new vistas for the imagination, and no more so than the old forms which the artist must understand only in order to reject  (Forms Quotes) In this playhouse of infinite forms I have had my play, and here have I caught sight of him that is formless  (Forms Quotes) An artist must find his expression closely linked to his individual experience or else follow in the old grooves resulting in lifeless forms  (Forms Quotes) At a time when experimentation expresses itself in all forms of life, search becomes the only valid expression of the spirit  (Forms Quotes) In the long run, there is only one subject worthy of study, and this is the different forms of transformation of the spirit  (Forms Quotes) The eye can best distinguish the forms of objects when it is placed between the shaded and the illuminated parts  (Forms Quotes) We perceive nature through the senses, which give us images of forms of colour, sounds etc. A form which exists only in relation to another form on its own, it does not exist  (Forms Quotes) Although people seem to be unaware of it today, the development of the faculty of attention forms the real object and almost the sole interest of studies  (Forms Quotes) Crime stories are, as you know, one of the most popular forms of entertainment that exist. If you then try to have something to say... That I have, of course  (Forms Quotes)
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