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My aim is for ripeness of form. I want to make my forms so full, so juicy that one could add nothing more to them  (Forms Quotes) There is no such thing as death. In nature nothing dies. From each sad remnant of decay, some forms of life arise so shall his life be taken away before he knoweth that he hath it  (Forms Quotes) A sovereign’s great example forms a people; the public breast is noble or vile as he inspires it  (Forms Quotes) We must continue research into new forms of energy and into more efficient use of existing energy sources  (Forms Quotes) States of profound happiness, like all other forms of intoxication, are apt to befuddle the wits; intense enjoyment of the present always makes one forget the past  (Forms Quotes) Who could tell what forms, what visions, what faces, what forgiveness he could see in the glow of the west!  (Forms Quotes) If I have learnt anything, it is that life forms no logical patterns. It is haphazard and full of beauties which I try to catch as they fly by, for who knows whether any of them will ever return?  (Forms Quotes) We shall work not on the macrocosmic scale of the literary forms, but on the microcosmic scale of the lexical forms  (Forms Quotes) It’s not a matter of old or new forms; a person writes without thinking about any forms, he writes because it flows freely from his soul  (Forms Quotes) Sweeping, confident articles on the future seem to me, intellectually, the most disreputable of all forms of public utterance  (Forms Quotes) There are different forms of anarchy and different currents in it. I must, first say very simply what anarchy I have in view. By anarchy I mean first an absolute rejection of violence  (Forms Quotes) In particular, she had a wonderful sense of humor, and I learned from her that the highest forms of understanding we can achieve are laughter and human compassion  (Forms Quotes) Anyone listening to this show that believes homosexuality is a normal lifestyle has been brainwashed. It’s very dangerous if we start accepting lower and lower forms of behavior as the normal  (Forms Quotes) The onset of a crisis is usually triggered by a spectacular failure which shakes confidence in fictitious forms of capital  (Forms Quotes) Since human beings are naturally solipsistic, all forms of superstition enjoy what might be called a natural advantage  (Forms Quotes) In any case I hold that there must arise a science of the development of economic forms and relations  (Forms Quotes) I’m interested in the mass and color, the black and the white, the edges happen because the forms get as quiet as they can be  (Forms Quotes) The supporting powers of time air and of the wind depend on the shape of the surfaces used, and the best forms can only be evolved by free flight through the air  (Forms Quotes) Experience alone can teach us the best forms of construction for sailing apparatus in order that they may be of sufficient strength, very light, and most easily managed  (Forms Quotes) Ring out a slowly dying cause, and ancient forms of party strife; ring in the nobler modes of life, with sweeter manners, purer laws  (Forms Quotes) The cultivation of literary pursuits forms the basis of all sciences, and in their perfection consist the reputation and prosperity of kingdoms  (Forms Quotes) Pride follows many paths, speaks in many voices and comes in many forms... Some stranger than others  (Forms Quotes) Man’s mind a mirror is of heavenly sights, a brief wherein all marvels summed lie, of fairest forms and sweetest shapes the store, most graceful all, yet thought may grace them more  (Forms Quotes) So many ghosts, and forms of fright, have started from their graves tonight, they have driven sleep from mine eyes away; I will go down to the chapel and pray  (Forms Quotes) Literature, taken in all its bearings, forms the grand line of demarcation between the human and the animal kingdoms  (Forms Quotes) We may believe that we shall know each other’s forms hereafter; and in the bright fields of the better land call the lost dead to us  (Forms Quotes) All the principles which religion teaches, and all the habits which it forms, are favorable to strength of mind. It will be found that whatever purifies fortifies also the heart  (Forms Quotes) Our dress still varying, nor to forms confined, shifts like the sands, the sport of every wind  (Forms Quotes) Christianity has no ceremonial. It has forms, for forms are essential to order; but it disdains the folly of attempting to reinforce the religion of the heart by the antics of the mind  (Forms Quotes) One might as well attempt to calculate mathematically the contingent forms of the tinkling bits of glass in a kaleidoscope as to look through the tube of the future and foretell its pattern  (Forms Quotes)
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