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All experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed  (Forms Quotes) By an image we hold on to our lost treasures, but it is the wrenching loss that forms the image, composes, binds the bouquet  (Forms Quotes) Man is the metre of all things, the hand is the instrument of instruments, and the mind is the form of forms  (Forms Quotes) Forms and regularity of proceeding, if they are not justice, partake much of the nature of justice, which, in its highest sense, is the spirit of distributive order  (Forms Quotes) We read the past by the light of the present, and the forms vary as the shadows fall, or as the point of vision alters  (Forms Quotes) Words were with them forms of expression which varied with individuals, but falsehood was more or less necessary to all  (Forms Quotes) Close by a rock, or less enormous height, breaks the wild waves, and forms a dangerous strait; full on its crown, a fig’s green branches rise, and shoot a leafy forest to the skies  (Forms Quotes) Refined taste forms a good critic; but genius is further necessary to form the poet or the orator  (Forms Quotes) It is a port where the storms of life never beat, and the forms that have been tossed on its chafing waves lie quiet forevermore  (Forms Quotes) The mathematical sciences particularly exhibit order, symmetry, and limitation; and these are the greatest forms of the beautiful  (Forms Quotes) Life will frequently languish, even in the hands of the busy, if they have not some employment subsidiary to that which forms their main pursuit  (Forms Quotes) Where are the forms the sculptor’s soul hath seized? In him alone, can nature show as fair?  (Forms Quotes) Society is the offspring of leisure; and to acquire this forms the only rational motive for accumulating wealth, notwithstanding the can’t that prevails on the subject of labor  (Forms Quotes) I am not a culture critic because I am not in any way interested in classifying cultural forms. I am a metaphysician, interested in the life of the forms and their surprising modalities. That is why I have no interest in the academic world  (Forms Quotes) 4. We favor the simple expression of the complex thought. We are for the large shape because it has the impact of the unequivocal. We wish to reassert the picture plane. We are for flat forms because they destroy illusion and reveal truth  (Forms Quotes) A patent is a legal analog of sticky fly paper: it attracts some of the lowest forms of life  (Forms Quotes) There are some forms of stupidity that one must be highly intelligent and educated to achieve  (Forms Quotes) There’s sketch, improv, writing, acting, music, and badminton. Those are the seven forms of comedy  (Forms Quotes) Forms of expression always appear turgid to those who do not share the emotions they represent  (Forms Quotes) Democracy alone, of all forms of government, enlists the full force of men’s enlightened will  (Forms Quotes) But theater, because of its nature, both text, images, multimedia effects, has a wider base of communication with an audience. That’s why I call it the most social of the various art forms  (Forms Quotes) The intelligence of the lower forms of animal life, like a great deal of human intelligence, does not involve a self  (Forms Quotes) The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty, and all forms of human life  (Forms Quotes) Wherefore the mere practical architect is not able to assign sufficient reasons for the forms he adopts; and the theoretic architect also fails, grasping the shadow instead of the substance  (Forms Quotes) Storytelling and copulation are the two chief forms of amusement in the South. They’re inexpensive and easy to procure  (Forms Quotes) This forms the nub of a dilemna that every Everest climber eventually comes up against: in order to succeed you must be exceedingly driven, but if you’re too driven you’re likely to die  (Forms Quotes) I think architecture is rarely the product of a single ideology. It’s more like it can be shaped by a really big idea. It can accommodate a lot of life forms  (Forms Quotes) The truth of Moore’s law has made remarkable things possible. On the software side, I think natural user interfaces in all their forms are equally significant  (Forms Quotes) A lot of these things will fly in later forms on the space station themselves, or a later form of that research will, once they kind of find out some of the basics from flying it on shuttle  (Forms Quotes) The theater of the mind is impossible to compete with, and I like the idea that with a few suggestions, each reader forms in his or her own mind what a character or a place looks like  (Forms Quotes)
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