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The world dominion of western thought, forms of organisation, technology and military force is not God-given, nor eternal, nor greatly appreciated by the rest of the world  (Forms Quotes) Dealing with a simple burglary can require 1000 process steps and 70 forms to be completed as a case goes through the Criminal Justice System. That can’t be righ  (Forms Quotes) I enjoy being Jewish, but I’m an atheist... I hate fundamentalism in all its forms. Jews, Catholics, Baptists, I think they are all potty and capable of destroying the world  (Forms Quotes) I have no qualifications to do anything else and there weren’t any formal application forms you had to fill in for stand-up, so I thought I’d give that a twist  (Forms Quotes) In the tenth century the old Batavian and later Roman forms have faded away  (Forms Quotes) By painting colors and lines and forms seen in quickened mood I was seeking to make this mood vibrate as a phonograph does. This was the origin of the paintings in The Frieze of Life  (Forms Quotes) The country will also need ‘new forms of social welfare’ instead of its current system which is excessively centred on pensions  (Forms Quotes) We often get blinded by the forms in which content is produced, rather than the job that the content does  (Forms Quotes) The various forms of intellectual activity which together make up the culture of an age, move for the most part from different starting-points, and by unconnected roads  (Forms Quotes) There are still a lot of cases in the world where you order something and then you see ‘Delivery will be in 8 - 12 weeks.’ This is because of the faxes and forms that still exist  (Forms Quotes) Not that pleading can be taken as a test, for the forms of action, notably Debt, ignore the fundamental difference between duties imposed by law and duties created by the will of the parties  (Forms Quotes) The institution of chivalry forms one of the most remarkable features in the history of the Middle Ages  (Forms Quotes) When we speak the word ‘life,’ it must be understood we are not referring to life as we know it from its surface of fact, but to that fragile, fluctuating center which forms never reach  (Forms Quotes) What we call soul has been around a long time. It comes out of a particular culture that is African in origin, but influenced by 250 years of slavery, as well as other forms of racial oppression  (Forms Quotes) New legislation has just been adopted by the International Labour Organization on the Worst Forms of Child Labor, such as bonded labour, prostitution and hazardous work  (Forms Quotes) Everything that is, was, and will be, eternally IS, even the countless forms, which are finite and perishable only in their objective, not in their ideal Form  (Forms Quotes) Straight-away the ideas flow in upon me, directly from God, and not only do I see distinct themes in my mind’s eye, but they are clothed in the right forms, harmonies, and orchestration  (Forms Quotes) To him who in the love of Nature holds Communion with her visible forms, she speaks A various language  (Forms Quotes) People aren’t used to thinking of cultural forms spreading out across the full range of formal interactions - or what is called the “text” in literary terms  (Forms Quotes) We started combining the use of light and the use of theatrics and the use of as many art forms as possible, and it’s still growing - that’s the whole idea of it  (Forms Quotes) Our expertise is solar energy and we don’t want to focus on other forms and we never push for solar form everywhere like say in upper hill areas where eco-hydro or biogas is more viable  (Forms Quotes) I think that globalization is partly responsible for the spread of the hostile, radical forms of Islam  (Forms Quotes) We can never leave loneliness behind completely - it is part of what forms us  (Forms Quotes) When I write lyrics, I really do go into an automatic folk appropriation mode. I see the vernacular register of 20th century song as being a bunch of forms to adapt and reconfigure  (Forms Quotes) Like other forms of stealing, identity theft leaves the victim poor and feeling terribly violated  (Forms Quotes) ?ex is so huge and so amorphous. It’s everything. It’s not just pornography. It’s not just cheating on a spouse. It can take so many forms  (Forms Quotes) If you look at all forms of collectivism, be it communism or fascism, people are reduced to animals  (Forms Quotes) A sexy picture can come from anyone who forms an intimacy with their subject. You can take a sexy picture of your cat if you want to  (Forms Quotes) I am pretty interested in hybrid forms. I love graphic novels and I think there should be more graphic poems in the world  (Forms Quotes) I don’t have much interest in writing if there are not opportunities to crack open the inherited forms. The writing I love to read most does this as well. I’m a form junkie  (Forms Quotes)
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