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If the two meanings of ‘heart’ are ‘center’ and ‘part,’ then the word ‘art’ also forms a perplexing doubleness: it is something human-made with materials; that is, it is made of us. Art is life. And yet it is distinct from ‘life.’ Art is life’s counterpoint. We make it, and in that making, art is pointedly not life. It is just made of us.  (Forms Quotes) In the many forms of government which have sprung up there has always been an acknowledgement of justice and proportionate equality, although mankind fail in attaining them, as indeed I have already explained. Democracy, for example, arises out of the notion that those who are equal in any respect are equal in all respects; because men are equally free, they claim to be absolutely equal.  (Forms Quotes) A democracy is ... accounted the meanest and worst of all forms of government.  (Forms Quotes) Forms of government matter, in my opinion. It matters how -- the nature of the government in which people live.  (Forms Quotes) Religion may in most of its forms be defined as the belief that the gods are on the side of the government.  (Forms Quotes) Old forms of government finally grow so oppressive that they must be thrown off even at the risk of reigns of terror.  (Forms Quotes) The government can reasonably rely on debt ratings when it forms programs to lend money to buyers of otherwise unattractive debt instruments.  (Forms Quotes) Democracy is the most demanding of all forms of government in terms of the energy, imagination, and public spirit required of the individual.  (Forms Quotes) Travelers learn not just foreign customs and curious cuisines and unfamiliar beliefs and novel forms of government. They learn, if they are lucky, humility.  (Forms Quotes) We all have a right to know, and if the government has been suppressing information about other life forms, that’s the cruelest hoax of all.  (Forms Quotes) A government which is composed of the middle class more nearly approximates to democracy than to oligarchy, and is the safest of the imperfect forms of government.  (Forms Quotes) Understanding, love and tolerance are the highest forms of interest on out small and interdependent planet.  (Forms Quotes) I think that love is very important and exists in many forms for all of us  (Forms Quotes) In each of its forms, love has an infinite scope of potential expansion, all of which I see leading to growth.  (Forms Quotes) Your life has purpose as long as you dedicate it to love. It’s not what we do but who we are that forms our biggest contribution.  (Forms Quotes) ...the freedom to bear arms may be righteously rejected to encourage the preservation of all corporeal forms of life.  (Forms Quotes) So far as discipline is concerned, freedom means not its absence but the use of higher and more rational forms as contrasted with those that are lower or less rational.  (Forms Quotes) The blood weeps from my heart when I do shape, In forms imaginary, th’ unguided days And rotten times that you shall look upon When I am sleeping with my ancestors.  (Forms Quotes) Not that pleading can be taken as a test, for the forms of action, notably Debt, ignore the fundamental difference between duties imposed by law and duties created by the will of the parties.  (Forms Quotes) It always seems odd to me that the fundamental laws of physics, when discovered, can appear in so many different forms that are not apparently identical at first, but, with a little mathematical fiddling, you can show the relationship.  (Forms Quotes) What we need is a political and joyous alternative to the behaviorist discourse, the Christian discourse on evil or sin, and the convergence of the two in forms of gender policing that [is] tyrannical and destructive.  (Forms Quotes) The two most abundant forms of power on earth are solar and wind, and they’re getting cheaper and cheaper...  (Forms Quotes) But our society does not grant nontraditional forms of intelligence equal recognition, no matter how much it would help us get along or truly enrich our lives.  (Forms Quotes) And the only forms of socialism in the world that were then getting results - malign ones, as it was - were the Fascist and Soviet republics. Fascism is a form of socialism - you rebuild the country, you find a scapegoat, and you go from there.  (Forms Quotes) Work done by other people sounds easy. How hard can it be to take care of a newborn who sleeps 20 hours a day? How hard can it be to keep track of your billable hours? To travel for one night for business? To get a 4-year-old ready for school? To return a few phone calls? To load the dishwasher? To fill out some forms?  (Forms Quotes) The world needs a new global architecture, additional layers of governance, to deal with issues that neither nations nor traditional forms of intergovernmental organizations can cope with.  (Forms Quotes) Several technological and political forces have converged, and that has produced a global, Web-enabled playing field that allows for multiple forms of collaboration without regard to geography or distance - or soon, even language.  (Forms Quotes) Without moral progress, stimulated by faith in God, immorality in all its forms will proliferate and strangle goodness and human decency. Mankind will not be able to fully express the potential nobility of the human soul unless faith in God is strengthened.  (Forms Quotes) I don’t like traveling, period. I like being at places and I like going places, but I don’t like forms of transportation.  (Forms Quotes) No rent-roll nor army-list can dignify skulking and dissimulation: and the first point of courtesy must always be truth, as really all the forms of good-breeding point that way.  (Forms Quotes)
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