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Fortunate Quotes

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On the way there is no harder pass than this: fortunate is he who does not carry envy as a companion  (Fortunate Quotes) Everyday, think as you wake up, today I am fortunate to be alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it  (Fortunate Quotes) My view of the world is always tempered by the fact that there are people who are less fortunate than I am  (Fortunate Quotes) We can never replace a friend. When a man is fortunate enough to have several, he finds they are all different. No one has a double in friendship  (Fortunate Quotes) What could be better than to hold your hand out to people less fortunate than you are?  (Fortunate Quotes) I was fortunate that I was at newspapers for eight years, where I wrote at least five or six stories every week. You get used to interviewing lots of different people about a lot of different things. And they aren’t things you know about until you do the story  (Fortunate Quotes) I work very regular hours, roughly 9 to 5:30. I think I have it much easier than a lot of parents. I just sit at home, I have a very flexible timetable, and I’m very fortunate in that I don’t have money problems. I have lunch with my wife at home. I don’t have to commute, so I have much more time with my family  (Fortunate Quotes) My father came from a very poor background, but I was very fortunate in the sense that we were never in need. My dad was determined to make sure that we didn’t want for things. He wanted to give us more opportunity than he had, a better shot at a better life  (Fortunate Quotes) I’ve never thought about any kind of prejudice about women in country music because I never felt like it affected me. I was fortunate enough to come about in a time when I didn’t feel that kind of energy at all, and it was always my theory that if you want to play in the same ballgame as the boys, you’ve got to work as hard as them  (Fortunate Quotes) Every day, think as you wake up, today I am fortunate to be alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it. I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, to expand my heart out to others; to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings. I am going to have kind thoughts towards others, I am not going to get angry or think badly about others. I am going to benefit others as much as I can  (Fortunate Quotes) I don’t think jealousy has much of a connection with real, objective conditions. Like if you’re fortunate you’re not jealous, but if life hasn’t blessed you, you are jealous. Jealousy doesn’t work that way. It’s more like a tumor secretly growing inside us that gets bigger and bigger, beyond all reason. Even if you find out it’s there, there’s nothing you can do to stop it  (Fortunate Quotes) A person less fortunate than yourself deserves the best you can give. Because of duty, and honor, and service. You understand those words? You should do your job right, and you should do it well, simply because you can, without looking for notice or reward  (Fortunate Quotes) We see many persons talking the most wonderfully fine things about charity and about equality and the rights of other people and all that, but it is only in theory. I was so fortunate as to find one who was able to carry theory into practice. He had the most wonderful faculty of carrying everything into practice which he thought was right  (Fortunate Quotes) I never have felt that people should feel that they are better than others, simply because they just happen to possess a larger share of material items and monetary wealth than others less fortunate. I believe in sharing, assisting, and just lending a helping hand to people  (Fortunate Quotes) The most fortunate of us, in our journey through life, frequently meet with calamities and misfortunes which may greatly afflict us; and, to fortify our minds against the attacks of these calamities and misfortunes, should be one of the principal studies and endeavors of our lives  (Fortunate Quotes) If we are fortunate, we one day find that person who impacts our world in such a way that our life is never the same again. By chance, or by design, we met that someone who offers the support, encouragement, and inspiration to become more than we ever thought possible  (Fortunate Quotes) To live without feeling or exciting sympathy, to be fortunate without adding to the felicity of others, or afflicted without tasting the balm of pity, is a state more gloomy than solitude; it is not retreat, but exclusion from mankind. Marriage has many pains, but celibacy has no pleasures  (Fortunate Quotes) Do you think of yourself as a creative personality? If you do, you are both fortunate and correct, in fact the beautiful truth is that everyone is creative and we all have the ability to develop our creative potential. It is wise to remember that the person who follows the crowd will get no further than the crowd. The person who walks the creative path is likely to find they are in places no one has ever been before  (Fortunate Quotes) It is not the young man who should be considered fortunate but the old man who has lived well, because the young man in his prime wanders much by chance, vacillating in his beliefs, while the old man has docked in the harbor, having safeguarded his true happiness  (Fortunate Quotes) The fact is that I’ve always been interested in politics and public service. I enjoy it and I think it’s important and I believe in it. and I’ve been fortunate to be here when the opportunity has presented itself  (Fortunate Quotes) I was following my muse and I was very fortunate in having good people around me and it turned out to be a pretty good recording in my opinion  (Fortunate Quotes) The fact that I was fortunate enough to escape contagion, in spite of frequent, sometimes daily contacts with the disease, was because I soon guessed how it spread  (Fortunate Quotes) Then, much later, my next dream was to become an astronaut, and I was fortunate to realize that dream, also  (Fortunate Quotes) In the commercial theater, I’ve been pretty fortunate. The producers that I’ve worked with have allowed me to define the artistic integrity, the artistic limits of the work  (Fortunate Quotes) Most people are fortunate enough to stay two, three years in this game. I’ve been in it for seven years, and I feel like now, I’m just beginning  (Fortunate Quotes) I’m one of those fortunate actors who gets to work pretty much every day. I’ve had a run of good fortune and work with some terrific people who have hired me  (Fortunate Quotes) We are fortunate to have some of the greatest and best teachers in the world, but we want to make sure that those few that try to sneak through the system are caught in advance  (Fortunate Quotes) We are very fortunate to be recognized here in such an extraordinary manner for work that we enjoy  (Fortunate Quotes) We are very fortunate to live in this country, but at the same time, the reason the forces are so much more destructive here is because they are faceless  (Fortunate Quotes) Happy and fortunate indeed would this nation be, nay, completely blessed, if it had good prelates and pastors, and but one prince, and that prince a good one  (Fortunate Quotes)
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