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Forty Quotes

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There aren’t four seasons a year in the mountains; there are forty seasons a day up there in those divine altitudes!  (Forty Quotes) Most of my fans know I love video games. I say it in every interview, so they know. But one thing that I like doing is skateboarding, I like jet skiing, skydiving. It’s like a huge roller coaster ride. Like forty seconds of free-falling. That’s some of the stuff I love, daredevil stuff. I like horseback riding.  (Forty Quotes) I write while my son is at school. At about 7:45 A.M., I walk him there, with the dogs, then walk them for another forty minutes or so, go home and chain myself to the desk a little before 9 A.M., and try not to be distracted until I hear my son plunge through the front door at about 3 P.M.  (Forty Quotes) I think one percent of the population attended college when Wallace Stevens and Robert Frost and Gertrude Stein were at Harvard. Now I think forty percent of Americans have some college education. That’s an astronomical change.  (Forty Quotes) This ball was so crowded that it took me - a trained professional journalist with vast experience in this area - forty five minutes to get a beer.  (Forty Quotes) If you feel well and happy, your face will reflect this, but if you are down in the dumps and having a miserable time, your face will soon show this, too. In fact, you get the face you deserve by the time you’re forty, and one of the keys to looking and feeling younger is being active.  (Forty Quotes) I’m definitely not getting married. In this business, you’re either getting married or they want you to be pregnant. I’m not getting married until I’m forty. If ever.  (Forty Quotes) My breakdancing crew used to go to the mall and squat a piece of cardboard there; we had our jam box, and I’d spin on my head and make about forty bucks a day, which was pretty good back then. I was only 14 years old, so I would chase the girls around the mall and eat some pizza and have some change left over.  (Forty Quotes) I started going to Ohio University when I was in my mid-thirties, ended up with an English degree when I was forty.  (Forty Quotes) True Blood’ is shot on film. It’s more like a movie, and they take more days to shoot it, plus it has an hour of content. ‘The Good Wife’ is network. They’re shooting on HD. It moves quicker and they only have forty minutes of content instead of a full hour. Not to mention the difference of shooting, you know, rated-R stuff!  (Forty Quotes) When a grown man reaches forty, we change him for an old one. He has completely disappeared. There’s only the most superficial resemblance between the two of them. Nothing is handed on from one to the other.  (Forty Quotes) 100,000,000 Guinea Pigs sparked a rising wave of consumer indignation. But...it takes a major catastrophe to carry legal and enforcement action over the hump of lethargy and inaction....Today, nearly forty years later, the situation is worse, not better.  (Forty Quotes) I don’t love comedy but I can watch someone who’s kind of interesting forever. I think a waitress who’s having a bad day is a lot more fun than Robin Williams doing forty minutes of material.  (Forty Quotes) Once I even took the train to Utrecht, forty miles from Amsterdam, with my yellow star, this star which I still have. Why did I go? I just wanted to visit some friends. I was a little bit crazy, a little bit insane.  (Forty Quotes)
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