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Forty Quotes

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Simply by not owning three medium-sized castles in Tuscany I have saved enough money in the last forty years on insurance premiums alone to buy a medium-sized castle in Tuscany  (Forty Quotes) The only thing that I’d rather own than Windows is English, because then I could charge you two hundred and forty - nine dollars for the right to speak it  (Forty Quotes) There is probably nothing wrong with art for art’s sake if we take the phrase seriously, and not take it to mean the kind of poetry written in England forty years ago  (Forty Quotes) I don’t love comedy but I can watch someone who’s kind of interesting forever. I think a waitress who’s having a bad day is a lot more fun than Robin Williams doing forty minutes of material  (Forty Quotes) I feel very proud that we have managed to stay together. In these forty years we have made forty - six films. Each one has brought a certain name and contribution to cinema  (Forty Quotes) I turned forty, and I’m finally going to get married and maybe have a kid  (Forty Quotes) Study until twenty - five, investigation until forty, profession until sixty, at which age I would have him retired on a double allowance  (Forty Quotes) My older son who is, I think, here tonight, is forty - one years old. Which is odd because so am I  (Forty Quotes) I did a play I think my first six months on the show, called Bullpen. Then I got involved with theater Forty and did this play called Plastic which is about two male models coming to a casting call  (Forty Quotes) I mean, what Fiat had it was not very big, it was something like forty or fifty million dollars, but it’s enough to get revolving credit, to get starting away again, the buying of new machinery  (Forty Quotes) Organized crime in America takes in over forty billion dollars a year and spends very little on office supplies  (Forty Quotes) I let my game do the talking. I’ve had incidents like that but when I compare my own story to the stories that have happened forty or fifty years ago particularly to Jackie Robinson for example  (Forty Quotes) Since writing JAWS, I’ve been lucky enough to do close to forty television shows about wildlife in the oceans, and yes, I have been attacked by sea creatures once in a while  (Forty Quotes) But when I disappeared, it sort of pissed me off, that guys get to go on being sexual until they’re seventy or eighty, and we disappear at forty - five or fifty  (Forty Quotes) I’ll think about things for thirty or forty years before I’ll write it  (Forty Quotes) The French are true romantics. They feel the only difference between a man of forty and one of seventy is thirty years of experience  (Forty Quotes) It is well we cannot see into the future. There are few boys of fourteen who would not feel ashamed of themselves at forty  (Forty Quotes) We have 11 million people said to be in our country illegally. Forty percent of them are said to have overstayed their visa. Do we know where they are?  (Forty Quotes) You cannot write to resonate twenty or thirty or forty years from now. You only can write for that very day, but whatever happens is all gravy  (Forty Quotes) It takes forty men with their feet on the ground to keep one man with his head in the air  (Forty Quotes) One piece of graffiti doesn’t mean much. Forty pieces of graffiti might mean something... It’s all about connecting the dots  (Forty Quotes) You should never trust anyone who listens to Mahler before they’re forty  (Forty Quotes) Kit, you’re forty. You look thirty. You act... well, never mind. You’re carrying on like you think you’re seventy  (Forty Quotes) The idea that America elected a black man to be its president forty years after it declined to allow Martin Luther King Jr. to stand on a balcony without getting shot still maintains its power to awe and inspire  (Forty Quotes) I am a divorced child, of divided, uncertain background. Within this division I - supposed fruit of their love - no longer exist. It happened nearly forty years ago, yet to me nothing is sadder than my parents’ divorce  (Forty Quotes) To value the tradition of, and the discipline required for, the craft of fiction seems today pointless. The real Arcadia is a lonely, mountainous plateau, overbouldered and strewn with the skulls of sheep slain for vellum and old bitten pinions that tried to be quills. It’s forty rough miles by mule from Athens, a city where there’s a fair, a movie house, cotton candy  (Forty Quotes) Grave-stones tell truth scarce forty years. Generations pass while families last not three oaks  (Forty Quotes) Within forty years of their arrival in the Plymouth colony, the first white settlers were afraid their children had lost the dedication and religious conviction of the founding generation. Ever since, Americans have looked to the next generation not only with love and solicitude but with a good measure of anxiety, worrying whether they themselves were good parents, fearful that their children would not turn out well  (Forty Quotes) A close friend of mine, Annie Leibovitz, who I’ve known for forty years, photographs celebrities every single day of the week but they all seem to look the same even though she’s one of the most creative photographers alive. They all just look the same. Brad Pitt is a great actor but all the pictures of Brad Pitt look the same  (Forty Quotes) Remember that the Clerget lands very fast, at over forty miles an hour, and with that great engine in the nose the tail was light. Watch it... Lovely  (Forty Quotes)
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