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Forward Quotes

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It is our inward journey that leads us through time – forward or back, seldom in a straight line, most often spiraling. Each of us is moving, changing, with respect to others. As we discover, we remember; remembering, we discover; and most intensely do we experience this when our separate journeys converge. Our living experience at those meeting points is one of the charged dramatic fields of fiction  (Forward Quotes) This world is your best teacher. There is a lesson in everything. There is a lesson in each experience. Learn it and become wise. Every failure is a stepping stone to success. Every difficulty or disappointment is a trial of your faith. Every unpleasant incident or temptation is a test of your inner strength. Therefore nil desperandum. March forward hero!  (Forward Quotes) Life needed a fast forward button. Because there were days you just don’t want to live through, not again, but they kept coming around and you were powerless to stop time or speed it up or do anything to keep from having to face it  (Forward Quotes) She remembered was hope was, and this was it. That inner churning that moves you forward, plows you through life the way the boats plowed the shiny water, the way the plane was plowing forward to a place new, and where she was needed  (Forward Quotes) Belief isn’t supposed to make sense, at least not all the time. In that, it finds its power. It gets to creep up on you and carry you forward. Until you can carry yourself again  (Forward Quotes) He had no settled plan of life, nor looked forward at all, but merely lived from day to day. Yet he read a great deal in a desultory manner, without any scheme of study, as chance threw books in his way, and inclination directed him through them  (Forward Quotes) Life, too, is like that. You live it forward, but understand it backward. It is only when you stop and look to the rear that you see the corpse caught under your wheel  (Forward Quotes) He is my soul mate, my fresh air, the reason I look forward to getting up every morning  (Forward Quotes) Most people I know live their lives moving in a constant forward direction, the whole time looking backward  (Forward Quotes) I had forgotten: this is what it feels like to live in time. The lurching forward, the sensation of falling of a cliff into darkness, and then landing abruptly, surprised, confused, and then starting the whole process again in the next moment, doing that over and over again, falling into each instant of time and then climbing back up only to repeat the process  (Forward Quotes) I sensed him leaning forward. It’s weird to feel someone’s attention on you that way, like you’re the only thing in the world they’re listening to. Most of the time people are distracted, or just thinking about what they’re going to say next  (Forward Quotes) The past can teach us, nurture us, but it cannot sustain us. The essence of life is change, and we must move ever forward or the soul will wither and die  (Forward Quotes) Marriage is very important. Marrying a girl is the most important thing a man can do. Never mind business or politics or sport or any of that, there’s nothing so vital to the world as a man marrying a woman. That’s where we get our children from, that’s how the human race goes forward. And if it’s too late for children, there’s the companionship of a safe and trusted person  (Forward Quotes) I felt myself trapped in line for a ride I was not nearly ready for, looking back but moving forward in the only direction I could go  (Forward Quotes) One of the goals of philosophy is wage theoretical battle. That is why we can say that every thesis is always, by its very nature, an antithesis. A thesis is only ever put forward in opposition to another thesis, or in defence of a new one  (Forward Quotes) If he acts, if he doesn’t, it’s meaningless. The whole thing goes forward. No one is important. No one at all  (Forward Quotes) ... in the face of all dangers, in what may seem a godless region, we move forward through the agencies of love and art  (Forward Quotes) In our life there are moments when we have to move forward... Regardless of how others may see us. Even if I make a mistake, I wont regret it!  (Forward Quotes) Meanwhile, life keeps moving forward. The truth is, there’s no better time to be happy than right now. If not now, when?  (Forward Quotes) Raise your quality standards as high as you can live with, avoid wasting your time on routine problems, and always try to work as closely as possible at the boundary of your abilities. Do this, because it is the only way of discovering how that boundary should be moved forward  (Forward Quotes) Even when our death is imminent, we carry the image of ourselves moving forward, alive, into the future  (Forward Quotes) ... They are merely scars, not mortal wounds and you must use them to propel you forward  (Forward Quotes) There comes a time when a man finds himself in front of a dark uncrossable abyss, which he himself has spent years digging. He cannot go forward, and has no way back. Words have failed, tears won’t help, and who would he call out to? He can’t even remember his own name. Then the man sees that on this god’s green earth there is but one true suffering: the torment of guilty conscience  (Forward Quotes) What I’ve started I must finish. I’ve gone too far to turn back. Regardless of what may happen, I have to go forward  (Forward Quotes) The rules of the track work well for life. Roller derby is life in a tiny circle. You can only go forward, even if you find yourself turned around, facing the wrong way. There’s speed, unpredictability, and danger. You can’t be sure what’s going to happen, you don’t always know when you’ll stop, and it appears most people are out to get you. You will fall. You will get hurt. But you will get up again  (Forward Quotes) We’re each our own person, we live our own lives, make our own mistakes, learn from them and move forward  (Forward Quotes) Things happen when people are not where they belong, and the world moves forward and back by that principle  (Forward Quotes) Always bear in mind that the people are not fighting for ideas, for the things in anyone’s head. They are fighting to win material benefits, to live better and in peace, to see their lives go forward, to guarantee the future of their children  (Forward Quotes) The future was uncertain, absolutely, and there were many hurdles, twists, and turns to come, but as long as I kept moving forward, one foot in front of the other, the voices of fear and shame, the messages from those who wanted me to believe that I wasn’t good enough, would be stilled  (Forward Quotes) Look forward to the wonderment of growing up, raising a family and driving by the gas station where the popular kids now work  (Forward Quotes)
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