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Fought Quotes

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You don’t always win your battles, but it’s good to know you fought  (Fought Quotes) Each reform, therefore, improving the economical and political situation of the workers proves to be an arm that increases the energy with which the proletarian struggle of classes is fought  (Fought Quotes) The only important thing I have to say is that my father never fought against his country  (Fought Quotes) The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks  (Fought Quotes) My wife and I lived all alone, contention was our only bone. I fought with her, she fought with me, and things went on right merrily. But now I live here by myself with hardly a damn thing on the shelf, and pass my days with little cheer since I have parted from my dear  (Fought Quotes) Childbirth changed my perception of my wife. She was now the bloodied special forces soldier who had fought and risked everything for our family  (Fought Quotes) Wars should be fought with words, not bombs, not weapons. And calm words. I think that wars should be fought over a chessboard and a cup of something to drink  (Fought Quotes) Man is a competitive creature, and the seeds of conflict are built deep into our genes. We fought each other on the savannah and only survived against great odds by organising ourselves into groups which would have had a common purpose, giving morale and fortitude  (Fought Quotes) I detest the idea that love between two persons can lead to salvation. All my life I have fought against this oppressive type of relationship. Instead, I believe in searching for a kind of love that somehow involves all of humanity  (Fought Quotes) When a person has lived generously and fought fiercely, she deserves more than sadness at the end  (Fought Quotes) Values exist in a transcendental realm, beyond space and time. They can neither be fought for, nor destroyed  (Fought Quotes) He’s never fought with religion; what is the point of railing against such beauty, such intimate theatre, such chime of eternity? He can treasure it without believing in it  (Fought Quotes) I’m not staring. I’m observing... And what do you observe?... A brave young woman who has always fought for what was right, even when it was unpopular  (Fought Quotes) I am waiting for the war to be fought which will make the world safe for anarchy  (Fought Quotes) Those who use religion for their own benefit are detestable. We are against such a situation and will not allow it. Those who use religion in such a manner have fooled our people; it is against just such people that we have fought and will continue to fight  (Fought Quotes) You’re trying to escape from your difficulties, and there never is any escape from difficulties, never. They have to be faced and fought  (Fought Quotes) The possibilities were endless. Battles would be fought. Wonders revealed. Many journeys. Many lands. Many joys. Many sorrows. But stories all  (Fought Quotes) I realized that my battle to survive this war would have to be fought inside of me  (Fought Quotes) Woke up this morning with a terrific urge to lie in bed all day and read. Fought against it for a minute. Then looked out the window at the rain. And gave over. Put myself entirely in the keep of this rainy morning. Would I live my life over again? Make the same unforgivable mistakes? Yes, given half a chance. Yes  (Fought Quotes) I am not blind to the shortcomings of our own people. I am not unaware that leaders betray, and sell out, and play false. But this knowledge does not outweigh the fact that my class, the working class, is exploited, driven, fought back with the weapon of starvation, with guns and with venal courts whenever they strike for conditions more human, more civilized for their children, and for their children’s children  (Fought Quotes) Women had always fought for men, and for their children. Now they were ready to fight for their own human rights. Our militant movement was established  (Fought Quotes) At school I fought sometimes. Kids were saying that figure skating is sport for the girls. Then I had to prove them wrong  (Fought Quotes) My creed is that public service must be more than doing a job efficiently and honestly. It must be a complete dedication to the people and to the nation with full recognition that every human being is entitled to courtesy and consideration, that constructive criticism is not only to be expected but sought, that smears are not only to be expected but fought, that honor is to be earned, not bought  (Fought Quotes) Defeat in this world is no disgrace if you fought well and fought for the right thing  (Fought Quotes) One has not the right to betray even a traitor. Traitors must be fought, got betrayed  (Fought Quotes) My own mother fought to make herself more than a possession; she lived her life as a mother who chose when she would have children, and a wife who could earn a living if she so chose. I want my daughters to enjoy that same choice  (Fought Quotes) There is the guilt all soldiers feel for having broken the taboo against killing, a guilt as old as war itself. Add to this the soldier’s sense of shame for having fought in actions that resulted, indirectly or directly, in the deaths of civilians. Then pile on top of that an attitude of social opprobrium, an attitude that made the fighting man feel personally morally responsible for the war, and you get your proverbial walking time bomb  (Fought Quotes) People think we have coasted the last four years. We fought, we had a lot of battles. We’ve always had to battle  (Fought Quotes) I am sorry to see you here, but if you had fought like a man, you needn’t be hanged like a dog  (Fought Quotes) Anything that is excellent or praiseworthy stands moment by moment on the cutting edge and must be constantly fought for. Well placed priorities always sit on the edge  (Fought Quotes)
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