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... with a rush of feeling he felt that this must be happiness. As soon as the thought came to him, he fought it back, blaming the whiskey. The very idea was as dangerous as presumptive speech: happiness could not be sought or worried into being, or even fully grasped; it should be allowed its own slow pace so that it passes unnoticed, if it ever comes at all  (Fought Quotes) Maccarinelli thinks he can use me to make a name for himself, but that is not going to happen. He has made his fame by fighting nobodies. I’ve fought all the way to the top against top contenders  (Fought Quotes) People, workers, the elderly, all these people I see with sympathy and affection. These are the people who have fought the battle of life and who now and then show the hard work and the frustration... It’s all about human activity, it’s truth, and we all get there  (Fought Quotes) Life is to be experienced, not fought against, run from, or engaged halfheartedly. Though we may wish to make changes in the future, to be conscious is to be with an experience as it’s unfolding, rather than thinking about how we would like to change it. Taking charge of our life so that we alter the quality of our experiences in the future comes after an experience  (Fought Quotes) My ideal of womanhood has always been the pioneer woman who fought and worked at her husband’s side. She bore the children, kept the home fires burning; she was the hub of the family, theplanner and the dreamer  (Fought Quotes) The secret prayer chamber is a bloody battleground. Here violent and decisive battles are fought out. Here the fate of souls for time and eternity is determined, in quietude and solitude  (Fought Quotes) His puppyhood was a period of foolish rebellion. He was always worsted, but he fought back because it was his nature to fight back. And he was unconquerable  (Fought Quotes) For me, soldiers are all equal. Those black people wore your same uniform, fought on your side, and so you will be in the same jail  (Fought Quotes) The belief that life was hard and often its worst battles were fought in private, that it was possible to walk through fear and come out scorched but still breathing  (Fought Quotes) To create a usable piece of software, you have to fight for every fix, every feature, every little accommodation that will get one more person up the curve. There are no shortcuts. Luck is involved, but you don’t win by being lucky, it happens because you fought for every inch  (Fought Quotes) My father owned pit bulls when I was young. He sometimes fought them. My brother and a lot of the men in my community owned pit bulls as well: sometimes they fought them for honor, never for money  (Fought Quotes) I’ve fought everybody without ducking anyone. I have beaten 10 undefeated guys, and I never was comparing myself to the greatest in the sport. I was not thinking of breaking any records. I’m just enjoying my time in boxing  (Fought Quotes) Those who fought know a secret about themselves, and it is not very nice. They have experienced secretly and privately their natural human impulse towards sadism and brutality... Not only did I learn to kill with a noose of piano wire put around someone’s neck from behind, but I learned to enjoy the prospect of killing that way  (Fought Quotes) Liverpool was an industrial town, a poor town. The people fought hard for what they wanted to achieve and there was a hunger there, and that hunger has remained with the musicians  (Fought Quotes) The militancy of men, through all the centuries, has drenched the world with blood. The militancy of women has harmed no human life save the lives of those who fought the battle of righteousness  (Fought Quotes) My first fight. I fought a girl that was a little bit heavier, a little bit more experienced and I was petrified because I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. And I did really well against her and nobody believed it was my first fight  (Fought Quotes) Running down on a way of life our fighting men have fought and died to keep. If you don’t love it, leave it  (Fought Quotes) I don’t have fights with actors. In absolute honesty, I’ve never fought with any actor ever  (Fought Quotes) I think I was righteous. I saw myself as the good guy in my own movie. I didn’t get into many fights when I was younger, but when I did, they were righteous. I always thought I was defending something good. I fought for friends who couldn’t fight for themselves. I was still being selfish and arrogant, but I was focused on what was fair and unfair  (Fought Quotes) If there is no way out and confrontation and battle is inevitable, one can use power and strategy, balance and wisdom and enlightenment to win, of course. But the best battle is the battle that is never fought  (Fought Quotes) The best battle is the battle that is never fought. The best war is the war that is won without a battle  (Fought Quotes) I love a good argument and sometimes I have a hard time keeping my mouth shut if I think someone is wrong... I’ve always fought for what I believe in, and I don’t quit until I have accomplished what I set out to do  (Fought Quotes) I’ve always fought for what I believe in. I used to get made fun of for dancing, and I would argue back, or fight the kids, or do whatever I had to do to shut them up. I have that in me  (Fought Quotes) I’m the least fanciful guy around, but on nights when I wonder whether there was any point to my day, I think about this: the first thing we ever did, when we started turning into humans, was draw a line across the cave door and say: Wild stays out. What I do is what the first men did. They built walls to keep back the sea. They fought the wolves for the hearth fire  (Fought Quotes) I have fought against spending. I have fought against special interests. I have fought for reform  (Fought Quotes) I fought against the bottle, but I had to do it drunk. Took my diamond to the pawn shop, but that don’t make it junk  (Fought Quotes) The general who wins the battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought. The general who loses makes but few calculations beforehand  (Fought Quotes) The nuclear arms race has no military purpose. Wars cannot be fought with nuclear weapons. Their existence only adds to our perils  (Fought Quotes) I have fought sixty battles, and I have learnt nothing which I did not know at the beginning  (Fought Quotes) The battle we have fought, and are still fighting, for the forests is a part of the eternal conflict between right and wrong  (Fought Quotes)
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