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There is no unmoving mover behind the movement. It is only movement. It is not correct to say that life is moving, but life is movement itself. Life and movement are not two different things. In other words, there is no thinker behind the thought. Thought itself is the thinker. If you remove the thought, there is no thinker to be found (Found Quotes)
That was one thing you found out when you were stoned, or wasted, or feverish: that the world was always turning and that only a healthy mind could block out the sickening whirl of it (Found Quotes)
I have not led an ordinary life, nor a life that would suit everyone. I took great risks, but because I did, I also earned great reward. I found the way to show my true face freely, without fear. Because of this, I found true love (Found Quotes)
I love to move like a mouse inside this puzzle for the body, balancing the wish to be lost with the need to be found (Found Quotes)
While she cut the mushrooms, she cried more than she had at the grave, the most so far, because she found the saddest thing of all to be the simple truth of her capacity to move on (Found Quotes)
Whereas the tourist generally hurries back home at the end of a few weeks or months, the traveler belonging no more to one place than to the next, moves slowly over periods of years, from one part of the earth to another. Indeed, he would have found it difficult to tell, among the many places he had lived, precisely where it was he had felt most at home (Found Quotes)
It was the books I started reading. It was the music I started listening to. It was the television I started watching. I found myself thinking again. I tried to stop because it was only causing pain. I couldn’t. Wen all this is in your head it has to come out into your life. If it doesn’t, you get crushed. I’m not going to get crushed (Found Quotes)
I have always found that actively loving saves one from a morbid preoccupation with the shortcomings of society (Found Quotes)
They came looking for dark and terrible revelations and instead found out something even more dark and terrible: that their lives were trite and boring (Found Quotes)
... by and by a change came: I started to muse about the shape of my nose. I put my trivial surroundings aside and mused more and more about myself, and I found this to be a bewitching occupation. I stopped asking and longed instead to speak of my thoughts and feelings. Alas, there was no one besides myself who found me interesting (Found Quotes)
It was a relationship with occasional moments of beauty, but one that had never found it’s balance (Found Quotes)
When I was twelve, I was interviewed by a doctoral candidate in education and asked what I wanted to be when I grew up. I said that I either wanted to be a philosopher or a clown, and I understood then, I think, that much depended on whether or not I found the world worth philosophizing about, and what the price of seriousness might be (Found Quotes)
The store of fairy tales, that blue chamber where stories lie waiting to be rediscovered, holds out the promise of just those creative enchantments, not only for its own characters caught in its own plotlines; it offers magical metamorphoses to the one who opens the door, who passes on what was found there, and to those who hear what the storyteller brings. The faculty of wonder, like curiosity can make things happen; it is time for wishful thinking to have its due (Found Quotes)
I am a lover and have not found my thing to love. That is a big point if you know enough to realize what I mean. It makes my destruction inevitable, you see. There are few who understand that (Found Quotes)
She found herself thinking of how it would feel to be safely trapped in his arms, with no more possibility to choose (Found Quotes)
I found myself grinning until my cheeks hurt, my scalp prickling till I thought it might lift off my head. My tongue ran away from me, giddy with freedom. This, and this, and this, I said to him. I did not have to fear that I spoke too much. I did not have to worry that I was too slender, or too slow. This and this and this! I taught him how to skip stones, and he taught me how to carve wood. I could feel every nerve in my body, every brush of air against my skin (Found Quotes)
Was life always like that? she wondered. A game of hide and seek in which you only occasionally found the person you wanted to be? (Found Quotes)
He smelt of the sun, as if it had seeped deep into his skin, and I found myself inhaling silently, as if he were something delicious (Found Quotes)
I’ve found it wise to enjoy any time of truce, while recognizing it for what it is. A truce (Found Quotes)
Despite what I said about staying the way we were, I changed. I, who have always believed in speaking my mind and made it my mission to uncover the truth, have found myself keeping secrets. Sometimes life is more complicated than the simple rules we make for it (Found Quotes)
When there is suffering, we look for a reason. That reason is easiest found within oneself (Found Quotes)
Before the castle gate all was as the fox had said: so the son went in and found the chamber where the golden bird hung in a wooden cage, and below (Found Quotes)
We should have stories in common, I found myself thinking. We should have stories, and jokes no one understands, and memories that we know will stay alive because neither of us will let the other forget (Found Quotes)
... I told him a story of two people. Two people who shouldn’t have met, and who didn’t like each other much when they did, but who found they were the only two people in the world who could possibly have understood each other (Found Quotes)
And then there were the wallflowers who had recognized for years that the thing was hopeless, who had found in that information a kind of calm. They no longer tried, with a bright and desperate effort, to sustain a conversation with somebody’s brother, somebody’s usher, somebody’s roommate, somebody’s roommate’s usher’s brother... The category of wallflower who had given up on all this was very quiet, not indifferent, only quiet. And she always brought a book (Found Quotes)
We didn’t speak, just drove out of the city into the countryside on our way to absolutely nowhere, and when we found that perfect spot among the trees, we stopped and looked at each other. Swallows swooped through the red sky, back from their adventure, and we held each other underneath the ketchup clouds, willing time to stop and the world to forget us for a while (Found Quotes)
It reminded him that time was short, but that beautiful endings could still be found at the end of cold, dreary days (Found Quotes)
Because she knows what it’s like to live in a world of black, and black, and the tiny bit of white, but when she escaped it, she didn’t find the rainbow of colors, the dresses, the singing, the dancing. She only found ugliness (Found Quotes)
I’ve been searching a long time for something I think I lost. I felt like I found something when I saw you back there (Found Quotes)
History has now been for the first time systematically considered, and has been found, like other phenomena, subject to invariable laws (Found Quotes)