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Fractal Quotes

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In the mind’s eye, a fractal is a way of seeing infinity  (Fractal Quotes) Words are such thin shavings of the fractal fruit  (Fractal Quotes) A fractal is a way of seeing infinity  (Fractal Quotes) All created forms are fractal, as is their purpose, use, and allotted time for existence  (Fractal Quotes) Fractal geometry is everywhere, even in lines drawn in the sand. It’s the cycle of life... You see fractals in plants, in flowers. Within the human lung are branches within branches  (Fractal Quotes) I probably spend more time writing than reading science fiction. I find that science-fiction literature is so reactive to all the literature that’s gone before that it’s sort of like a fractal. It’s gone to a level of detail that the average person could not possibly follow unless you’re a fan. It iterates upon many prior generations of iterations.  (Fractal Quotes) It’s a product of the fractal laws that govern the world at an informational level. There is no deeper truth.  (Fractal Quotes) Fractal geometry is everywhere, even in lines drawn in the sand. It’s the cycle of life... You see fractals in plants, in flowers. Within the human lung are branches within branches.  (Fractal Quotes) There’s a theory that says that life is based on a competition and the struggle and the fight for survival, and it’s interesting because when you look at the fractal character of evolution, it’s totally different. It’s based on cooperation among the elements in the geometry and not competition.  (Fractal Quotes) Both chaos theory and fractal have had contacts in the past when they are both impossible to develop and in a certain sense not ready to be developed.  (Fractal Quotes) Fractal litigation, whereby the flapping of a butterfly’s wings on one side of the world resulted in a massive compensation claim on the other.  (Fractal Quotes) Both chaos theory and fractal have had contacts in the past when they are both impossible to develop and in a certain sense not ready to be developed  (Fractal Quotes) Modern humans became fixated on a collective hallucination of linear time, ignoring the fractal spirals of the surrounding universe  (Fractal Quotes) While fractal geometry is often used in high-tech science, its patterns are surprisingly common in traditional African designs  (Fractal Quotes) Mathematicians didn’t invent infinity until 1877. So they thought it was impossible that Africans could be using fractal geometry  (Fractal Quotes) It's not so much that history is simply cyclical, it seems to progress via recursive, repeated fractal patterns with minute variations  (Fractal Quotes) It’s a product of the fractal laws that govern the world at an informational level. There is no deeper truth  (Fractal Quotes) Maybe relationships could have fractals, too. And maybe the sense of loss was when you’re becoming a fractal of what you once were to each other  (Fractal Quotes) Fractal litigation, whereby the flapping of a butterfly’s wings on one side of the world resulted in a massive compensation claim on the other  (Fractal Quotes) If you have a hammer, use it everywhere you can, but I do not claim that everything is fractal  (Fractal Quotes) A fractal is a mathematical set or concrete object that is irregular or fragmented at all scales  (Fractal Quotes) Nowhere else in history has there ever been a flag that stands for the right to burn itself. This is the fractal of our flag. It stands for the right to destroy itself  (Fractal Quotes)