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Fraction Quotes

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I’ve never worried about anything in my life a fraction of the way I worry about my daughter. It’s much more than hoping people like the play you’re in, or that your outfit doesn’t look bad. It’s the real deal.  (Fraction Quotes) The ‘old’ Internet is shrinking and being replaced by walled gardens over which Google’s crawlers can’t climb. Sure, Google can crawl Facebook’s ‘public pages,’ but those represent a tiny fraction of the ‘pages’ on Faceboo, and are not informed by the crucial signals of identity and relationship which give those pages meaning.  (Fraction Quotes) What’s happened with society is that we have created these devices, computers, which already can register and process huge amounts of information, which is a significant fraction of the amount of information that human beings themselves, as a species, can process.  (Fraction Quotes) In the span of a human lifetime, and well within the collective memory, Britain went from a stable imperial power ruling an appreciable fraction of the Earth’s surface to being a tumultuous patchwork which was at least superficially in decline.  (Fraction Quotes) I have a job I’m pretty good at. I am in charge of things. I am on committees. People respect me and take my counsel. I want to be strong and professional, but I resent how hard I have to work to be taken seriously, to receive a fraction of the consideration I might otherwise receive.  (Fraction Quotes) Most religious people in America fully embrace science. So the argument that religion has some issue with science applies to a small fraction of those who declare that they are religious. They just happen to be a very vocal fraction, so you got the impression that there are more of them than there actually is.  (Fraction Quotes) I’ve only got a fraction of the energy I once had, but I think I probably use it better  (Fraction Quotes) When enough people care about autism or diabetes or global warming, it helps everyone, even if only a tiny fraction actively participate.  (Fraction Quotes) The key metric of whether you’ve succeeded is what fraction of your employees use that dashboard everyday.  (Fraction Quotes) No mathematician in the world would bother making these senseless distinctions: 2 1/2 is a mixed number while 5/2 is an improper fraction. They’re EQUAL for crying out loud. They are the exact same numbers and have the exact same properties. Who uses such words outside of fourth grade?  (Fraction Quotes) It’s funny when I read the tabloids and they’re reporting on only a fraction of the life I’m leading.  (Fraction Quotes) To only a fraction of the human race does God give the privilege of earning one’s bread doing what one would have gladly pursued free, for passion.  (Fraction Quotes) If I had a child who wanted to be a teacher, I would bid him Godspeed as if he were going to war. For indeed the war against prejudice, greed, and ignorance is eternal, and those who dedicate themselves to it give their lives no less because they may live to see some fraction of the battle won.  (Fraction Quotes) Dream of a world where poverty is history, dream of a world where we don’t spend those obscene billions on arms, knowing full well that a tiny fraction of those budgets of death would ensure that children everywhere had clean water to drink, could afford the cheap inoculations against preventable diseases, would have good schools, adequate healthcare and decent homes.  (Fraction Quotes) If you are a great news organization, you can’t have the best obtainable version of the truth if your vision and your scale is reduced to a fraction of its former self.  (Fraction Quotes) I do have hobbies - I garden and bike, for example - but there’s nothing in the world that gives me even a fraction of the pleasure that I derive from hanging around with my wife and daughter.  (Fraction Quotes) If aliens are really hanging out in our ‘hood, it’s hard to imagine any other fact more worthy of study. If not, then why does such a large fraction of the populace insist on believing they’re here?  (Fraction Quotes) I put heavy weight on certainty. It’s not risky to buy securities at a fraction of what they’re worth.  (Fraction Quotes)
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