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Fracture Quotes

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I dream of a language whose words, like fists, would fracture jaws  (Fracture Quotes) She saw him fracture into rainbow colors through the prism of her love  (Fracture Quotes) The worst injury I ever had was a stress fracture from running  (Fracture Quotes) I played with a fracture in my foot for seven months without knowing it  (Fracture Quotes) I do think that we may be looking at a period in the next few years where the two-party system will fracture  (Fracture Quotes) When I started training, I just started running every day, which you shouldn’t do. I learned that lesson the hard way by getting a stress fracture.  (Fracture Quotes) So her missing person’s poster features a girl with long hair and dreamy eyes that don’t see the fracture coming.  (Fracture Quotes) I think it’s extremely unlikely that the European Union will fracture with nations dropping off the edge.  (Fracture Quotes) Nobody looks good in their darkest hour. But it’s those hours that make us what we are. We stand strong, or we cower. We emerge victorious, tempered by our trails, or fracture by a permanent, damning fault line.  (Fracture Quotes) I played football; I was a running back, and I took a hit, and I had a hairline fracture in my leg which no one spotted, and I was playing basketball all winter and it got worse. And then I was long jumping, about 20 feet, and I landed one time and there was this big crack, and all the bones were jutting out of my leg.  (Fracture Quotes) What I would say is I’ve only had one injury in my NBA career that was probably was because my core wasn’t strong enough, when I had a stress fracture in my back.  (Fracture Quotes) Dividers seek to make themselves look or feel better by making others feel worse. They damage relationships, fracture teams and organizations, and create havoc in people’s lives.  (Fracture Quotes) I think it’s extremely unlikely that the European Union will fracture with nations dropping off the edge  (Fracture Quotes) The breaking up of the terrestrial globe, this it is we witness. It doubtless began a long time ago, and the brevity of human life enables us to contemplate it without dismay. It is not only in the great mountain ranges that the traces of this process are found. Great segments of the earth’s crust have sunk hundreds, in some cases, even thousands, of feet deep, and not the slightest inequality of the surface remains to indicate the fracture; the different nature of the rocks and the discoveries made in mining alone reveal its presence. Time has levelled all  (Fracture Quotes) What I would say is I’ve only had one injury in my NBA career that was probably was because my core wasn’t strong enough, when I had a stress fracture in my back  (Fracture Quotes) Fracture lines etch the surface of the glass box as if a body fell from the sky and landed on it  (Fracture Quotes) Our apologies, good friends, for the fracture of good order, the burning of paper instead of children. How many must die before our voices are heard, how many must be tortured, dislocated, starved, maddened? When, at what point, will you say no to this war?  (Fracture Quotes) Now is the seedtime of continental union, faith and honor. The least fracture now, will be like a name engraved with the point of a pin on the tender rind of a young oak; the wound would enlarge with the tree, and posterity read in it full grown characters  (Fracture Quotes) Scarily, football helmets, which do a fine job of protecting against scalp laceration and skull fracture, do little to prevent concussions and may even exacerbate them, since even as the brain is rattling around inside the skull, the head is rattling around inside the helmet  (Fracture Quotes) Nobody looks good in their darkest hour. But it’s those hours that make us what we are. We stand strong, or we cower. We emerge victorious, tempered by our trails, or fracture by a permanent, damning fault line  (Fracture Quotes) I will say that there is an inordinate amount of medicine in my novels, especially the first one. There are a lot of medical things that happen. A hip fracture, three different kinds of lung cancer, pneumonia, blood poisoning, and so on  (Fracture Quotes) How life is strange and changeful, and the crystal is in the steel at the point of fracture, and the toad bears a jewel in its forehead, and the meaning of moments passes like the breeze that scarcely ruffles the leaf of the willow  (Fracture Quotes)