Francis Bacon Quotes

Text Quotes
Nothing is to be feared but fear (Francis Bacon Quotes)
Money is a great treasure that only increases as you give it away (Francis Bacon Quotes)
God’s first creature, which was light (Francis Bacon Quotes)
Ill fortune never crushed that man whom good fortune deceived not (Francis Bacon Quotes)
Truth ... is the sovereign good of human nature. (Francis Bacon Quotes)
Money is a good servant, a dangerous master (Francis Bacon Quotes)
Money is like muck, not good unless spread (Francis Bacon Quotes)
All good moral philosophy is ... but the handmaid to religion. (Francis Bacon Quotes)
Great changes are easier than small ones (Francis Bacon Quotes)
We rise to great heights by a winding staircase of small steps (Francis Bacon Quotes)
There is no great concurrence between learning and wisdom (Francis Bacon Quotes)
Secrecy in suits goes a great way towards success (Francis Bacon Quotes)
Nothing is more pleasant to the eye than green grass kept finely shorn (Francis Bacon Quotes)
Atheism is rather in the lip, than in the heart of man (Francis Bacon Quotes)
Men fear Death, as children fear to go in the dark; and as that natural fear in children is increased with tales, so is the other (Francis Bacon Quotes)
Prosperity is not without many fears and distastes; adversity not without many comforts and hopes (Francis Bacon Quotes)
Things alter for the worse spontaneously, if they be not altered for the better designedly (Francis Bacon Quotes)
Chiefly the mold of a man's fortune is in his own hands (Francis Bacon Quotes)
Truth will sooner come out from error than from confusion (Francis Bacon Quotes)
A man that studieth revenge keeps his own wounds green (Francis Bacon Quotes)
Anger makes dull men witty, but it keeps them poor (Francis Bacon Quotes)
Beauty itself is but the sensible image of the Infinite (Francis Bacon Quotes)
Fashion is only the attempt to realize art in living forms and social intercourse (Francis Bacon Quotes)
God Almighty first planted a garden. And indeed, it is the purest of human pleasures (Francis Bacon Quotes)
If a man's wit be wandering, let him study the mathematics (Francis Bacon Quotes)
Life, an age to the miserable, and a moment to the happy (Francis Bacon Quotes)
Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed (Francis Bacon Quotes)
Small amounts of philosophy lead to atheism, but larger amounts bring us back to God (Francis Bacon Quotes)
Virtue is like a rich stone, best plain set (Francis Bacon Quotes)
Who ever is out of patience is out of possession of their soul (Francis Bacon Quotes)